Class 1-a

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She finally got back to UA and she had a plan. She was no longer that shy little girl everyone knew. She had been through hell and made it out alive. And she had a quirk now. She went to Nezu and told him what she wanted.
Mayotta walks in to his office
Mayotta: I want to be transferred to class 1-a I have a great quirk now and I want to be a hero
Nezu:I don't know show me your quirk
Mayotta activated her quirk. There was a small scab on Nezu's right arm from that blood floated toward her and in to her mouth. Then from her hands came a cobra and then with her own blood she created a knife. She cut off the head of the cobra.
Nezu: can you tell me why you cut off the head of the cobra
Mayotta: well because the creatures I make have a mind of there own. And since your not a threat I didn't want you hurt.
Nezu: How did you find out you had this quirk
Mayotta: well one day I when I was tied up I noticed blood floating towards me. It entered my mouth and then a small worm came from my hands. I was shocked so I tried doing it at will with an animal in mind and it worked. I only  did small animals so the league wouldn't notice. I made things like snails,slugs,worms ,and rats. Then I wondered if I could do it with my blood so I tried and made a sewing needle. I knew I could use this to escape. As soon as Yumi was there I knew it was the perfect time.
Nezu: is there any other set backs to your quirk besides not being able to control the creatures you make
Mayotta: yes if use to much of my blood it be same as losing a lot blood so I could die
Nezu:  I think you'll do great you can start tomorrow
-to be continued-

Boku no hero original Character (Mayotta Rosea)Where stories live. Discover now