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Toga had changed in to Mayotta.
She sat on the outside of the hideout.
She was smoking a joint.  Bakugo and kirishima walk up to her.
Bakugo(over the walkie-talkie) we found her
Deku:that's great bring her back
Toga went with it. She went with them still smoking the joint.
Bakugo: why are you smoking that
Toga: because I'm stressed
Kirishima: that's very in manly of you
Toga: well I'm not a man
Kirishima: you know what I mean
Toga: where is Deku
Bakugo: he was looking for you
Toga: for me
Bakugo: yeah since you were kidnapped
Toga: oh right can I see him
Bakugo: why do you want to see that damn nerd
Toga: I miss him
Deku walks up.
Deku: Mayotta you're ok I was so worried about you. Let's get you back.
Toga: back where
Deku: to your dorm of course
Toga: right
Toga went with them. She went them. In Mayotta's dorm she laid on the bed. She fell asleep ready to steal Deku.

Boku no hero original Character (Mayotta Rosea)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora