Toga's stay

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Toga wakes up and takes a vile of blood out of her pocket. She chugs it. She has enough blood to last her a week. She walks out the dorm and goes to deku's dorm. She opens the door.
Toga: hey Deku
Deku: hey are you ok? What did they do to you?
Toga: let's not talk about that right now! Let's talk about us!
Deku: What about us
Toga pins him to the wall and kisses him on the lips
Deku: what the hell!!!
Toga:oh come on you know you want it
She pins him back on the wall. Deku pushes her back.
Deku: You know I'm with todoroki why are you acting like this?!
Toga: so your gay
Deku: I've already told you this!
Toga: I guess I'm not that good at acting am I
Deku: what do you mean?
Toga changes back into herself
Deku gets in a fighting stance. Then todoroki comes in.
Deku: get her
Todoroki traps her in ice
Deku runs to alert the teachers. While todoroki stays with toga.
Once the authorities arrived toga was taken in.
Deku: so Mayotta is still missing (in tears)
Todoroki: It will be ok we will find her
To be continued

Boku no hero original Character (Mayotta Rosea)Where stories live. Discover now