Chapter 6- part 2

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[Continued from Chapter 6 (part 1)]

Rylan's head was spinning. Even as the floor absorbed the vomit and it washed off her suit without a stain, Rylan felt like she was going to be sick. Her vision was watery from the floods of tears. Mentally, Rylan was only a child, with the only 'responsible adult' unconscious on the floor. Rylan was frozen, unable to move for what seemed like eternity. Once she regained her senses, she did the only thing she could. She cradled Ray in her arms and ran.

"Help! Help," she screamed, "Someone, anyone, help!"

Rylan zoomed on her hoverdisk, Ray firmly in her arms. The hallway was sparse, empty from the younger girls returning for curfew. She bended a corner and another until she ran into her espionage instructor, Ms. Cexsin, who was walking home with a friend.

"Help," Rylan screamed. She ran off her hoverdisk as it morphed back into a wristwatch.

"Oh no, my beauties are in trouble," Ms. Cexsin gasped. She wore her artistically slanted hairstyle while her friend's hair was more punk rock, "Ms. Rylan is that not Ms. Ray in your arms?"

Rylan nodded, swallowing from the tears.

"What are you two doing this late in the phase," her friend asked.

"An astute question Trinity," Ms. Cexsin answered, "but we must attend to the task at hand."

"The midget doesn't look so good," Trinity pointed to Ray foaming at the mouth.

"We must tend to her wounds immediately! Have you done a healing rod scan?"

In the chaos that was the last thing Rylan thought of. She shook her head and Ms. Cexsin morphed her necklace into a healing rod. A blue beam scanned Ray's body.

"Remind me never to have you has a healing partner," Trinity sneered, "I'm guessing they're students of yours."

"Correct, Ms. Rylan and Ms. Ray make excellent partners."

"A midget with a weed? Never thought I'd see the phase."

"Now Trinity, we are often shunned by out eccentricities. Who are we to judge?"

"Yeah well, this is a whole other level," she crossed her arms.

Ms. Cexsin shot a blue laser in Ray's mouth. The foaming stopped and Ray lied peacefully like a child.

"She will have to sleep it off," said Ms. Cexsin, "It looks like she swallowed something dangerous."

"Some special juice, she was drinking," Rylan was talking too fast to form complete sentences.

"She didn't sneak any from the relaxation chambers," Trinity said, "That's going to be a hefty fine."

"Then we mustn't speak a word of it. Ms. Rylan, perhaps you should quietly drop her off at her room and leave whatever she came with behind."

"But, her omnisphere is out of juice," Rylan panicked, "She can't get into her room."

"Then you will have to speak to an officer. You'll find one guarding the factory close by."

Rylan recalled a lesson from Combat Training. One of the first was Time Station safety, where she learned to talk to an A-Class officer when in danger. Still, Rylan was afraid to talk to a girl so scary and tall. Mrs. Cexsin was just as tall so Rylan wanted her to come along.

"I'm scared, come with me please," Rylan begged.

"Sorry, we have other plans," Trinity smirked condescendingly.

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