chapter 0: abondoned with love

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A month had passed by after America and Russia had broken off from each other completely. Why? It was never explicitly said. But they broke of their relationship. Though mostly America was holding the grudge. Russia was always thinking of America and often times said to himself that even though it will never work out, he will keep silently loving him. Same went for the sibling love for his sisters whom never showed any sympathy for him after the break up.

He thought no one cared, as anybody he tried speaking to would just ignore him and sometimes even tell him to "piss off". Mistake number 1. Russia eventually wouldn't talk to anyone out of fear of his own health. He would always look either lost in thoughts all alone or fairly pissed. No one wanted a punch in the gut and kept to themselves at a distance. Mistake number 2. But enough on that.

Most days, Russia wouldn't leave his room afraid of facing anyone around him. He was virtually nocturnal but also an insomniac on some weeks and ate at night while trying to sleep in the day. Only occasionally he'd leave his room in day light but it was only ever if it was extremely important. After only a week he stopped leaving the house all together. He had a fairly small balcony, every country here does. It's not just him, and would sit outside, but he'd never leave the house at all.

Meanwhile, everyone besides the rare few people were just ignoring Russia. Thinking the same thing. He was a jerk and a bad guy. The people that did care didn't stick up for him in fear of the same treatment and no one besides those unsung heroes would try to understand.

But no one could.

Not with the pain he was going through.


One way love...

It all made him feel so sick. But it wasnt just his mental state taking punishment. He felt physically sick. Maybe it was from the lack of food and sleep? Or... was it something else? This same  feeling that was blooming in his chest and guts had been there for nearly a month. "What is it?" he would ask himself everyday. "What is wrong with me? Why can't I move on?" Everytime he asked himself this, he kept feeling like hed trow up from stress and no matter how hard he'd try, this question was always repeating itself.

He was trapped in a worst case scenario. No way out. This was his fate. The seeds were planted and now it was time he saw it through to the end.

It was his turn... to fall to the flowers of fate.

Just a nice ease into the story, a bit of background and if you haven't noticed (or didnt bother reading the introduction) this is an a.t (alternative timeline) to Random_sk's book "7 days close to you" so go read that to understand why America left Russia and read the happy ending I hope the book will have before I crush your dreams. (Random sk I swear I won't tag you anymore I promise) Ok? Great. Anyways I hope you interested in this and I'll see you crazy kids next week maybe.


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