chapter 3: something in my throat.

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That evening, Russia woke early at 7 PM. He was still confused and in pain. He pushed off the bed and walked over to his balcony. It had stopped raining by now and the sun was setting to his left while the moon was up on the right. A beautiful scene that could take his mind off of things like pain and confusion. It was really helping him. Like his stress relief.

After 10 minutes, he returned inside and sat down infront of his door. He wasn't sulking. He was trying to think. What caused this? What caused him to cough up blood and have a tansy grow from his wrist? What-

And his confusion was once again interrupted by the third wave of coughs. Raspy and violent coughs that felt like they were ripping his chest and neck to shreds. It was painful enough that tears were pricking his eyes. He felt death teasing him with it. He hunched over and weakly knelt on the floor as his coughs worsened, covering his mouth to try and stop it staining his room but to no avail. Blood leaked everywhere. It was non stop for the next 5 minutes which felt like hours of pure torture. For every second he wished that someone could kill him to end the torture. It. Was. Hell.

Meanwhile the spark of hope rose like the budding flowers in the pit of his stomach. Belarus listened in and heard him coughing for the last few seconds. She was about to knock on the door and check up on him before thinking. What if he got angry that she hadn't bothered at all to check up on him? What if he hated her? She tried to push those thoughts out and asked other questions like, will I regret not asking? What if he is dying and we don't know?

Her paranoia was interrupted when Ukraine told her to just get to bed already and forget about whatever she was thinking. She found it disheartening but swore to herself to talk to him the next day early in the morning. She may as well of spoke that night as she couldn't sleep out of guilt.

One out of three had come around.

This same routine circled over to the next day and from then on, things would only get worse.

It had been 3 days since this started and Russia barely had the energy to stand. He resorted to either sitting infront of his door or laying on his bed turned away from it. He didn't want to face anyone who came in.

3 days in. The magic number for a cold or illnes. 3 days to brew, 3 days in effect, 3 days to disperse. Russia wouldn't get that. No ease in to the sickness. Just pure hell. The coughing sessions were just getting worse and worse and worse. His blood felt cloted when coming out his throat, but he'd wash or wipe it off before noticing. A detail to quickly dismiss. That was until he saw it.

After his second coughing session of the 3rd day of having this, Russia felt the clots and looked at them only to see that they weren't clots at all.

They were flower petals.

Magenta, pink, purple and blue petals. A pile of them in his hand. He dropped them in fear and disgust. Unstained by the blood just like the tansys. He saw the blood leak onto the floor as well as the flowers. Not only was blood gushing from his mouth but from a higher position. After putting his hand to his eye, he flinched and pulled away to see a string of blood. His eye was bleeding. Maybe that's why it hurt. Maybe that's why he couldn't see properly out his right eye.

Russia had no clue.

Questions overflowed him once again but they all mixed together and became a confusing mess in his mind. He rose into a full on panic attack as his breathing picked up. The possibility of the killer desise of one sided love was something he didn't consider. All that clicked for him was that the tansy was his time limit.


6 blooms...

6 days...

3 gone. 3 left.

There's that magic number again.



*knock knock*

Aaaaaaaand scene. There ya go peeps. A nice little cliffhanger for ya. Yeaaaaaah I know that this story is very much focused on Russia but I promise I will show other characters perspectives. Remember, the chapters will be short as to show the lack in time and my bad writing skills. In any case, I hope you enjoyed. See you lot next time. Au revoir mon ami. BYYYYEEEE!

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