chapter 4: the flax of hope

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A knocking at his door strayed Russia from his panic attack. His breathing was shaken and it was loging in places. As if something was in his throat trying to block his breathing and suffocate him.

Questions, however, took over once more as he wondered who could be at the door. It was night time still. Only 4 in the morning. Who would want to talk at this hour?

A small shuffling noise was heard behind the door as it sounded like someone sat down outside it.

"Brother?" A quiet voice called through the door. So easy to recognise even through the doors muffle.


"Y-yes?" His voice seemed muffled in the room. Like something was suffed in his mouth but allowed him to speak and breath. It was passable though.

"I... I want to talk. Is it ok if I come in and talk with you?" That set Russia off a little. He wanted to talk but he couldn't face her right now. Not in this condition.

"NO no! P-please. I-I want t-to talk but p-please don't c-come in. P-please?" He pleaded. He was desperate. Leaning on the door. He was tired and wanted to sleep but knew it would be rude to ignore his sister. "J-just t-through the d-door will be f-fine."

"Ok. I won't make you uncomfortable..." An awkward silence followed suit until the silence was broken. "Ru.... are you angry at me?"

"W-what? No! Of c-course not B-Bela! Why would I? I-! And once again, he fell into a coughing fit. It was getting harder to breath. It was possible but hard. He moved from the door as best as he could in case.

"Brother?" Belarus called in concern. After a few minutes of waiting, she realised that he wasn't sick but it sounded worse. "Russia! What's wrong!?" Belaruse was in complete panic. She didn't know what to do. Sure she could go in, but Russia didn't want her in there. But what other choice did she have? Ukraine would be no help and the authorities would be useless to. Plus if Russia was suffocating like she thought...

She chose on it and opened his door finally facing him after a whole month. Closing door behind her, she was greeted with the scene. A carpet stained crimson, a bed messy from the lack of cleaning and the centre piece of Russia kneeling and hunched over, shaking violently and coughing vigorously non stop. Russia looked completely terrified as tears pricked his eyes and fell down his cheeks. It was too much. The emotional stress was far too much. Russia had broke from the pressures of his mixed emotion and pain. And seeing her brother weak and hurt like this, broke Belaruses heart.

"Ruski!" She exclaimed in shock. She got on her knees next to him and tried rubbing his lower back to calm him down and help his breathing.

His coughing subsided after about 2 minutes and out of exhaustion, he collapsed next to Belarus. Eventually she saw the problem. The petals and flowers on the floor and a few flowers blooming in his mouth. She quickly put together what was happening as she took in the sight.

The flowers were a dead give away. The blood and petals were stomach turning. She knew. She remembered something she'd seen in a story. A boy had a bad family of a brother and father whom hated him but he cared for, he met and loved a girl, the girl had a boyfriend already and rejected him nastily, the boy developed hanahaki caused by his family and the girl and.... oh.

"Oh my-! Ruski I... I should of.... i.... we... caused this. . . He.  .  . RUSKI!" She cried out. Everyone she knew near her was a heavy sleeper so she wasn't too worried about waking the neighbours. She held onto him leaning him against her chest and crying her eyes out. She didn't care for the blood flowing onto her night wear. She didn't care for the tear stains on her cheeks. All she was hoping for was that he'd wake up and tell her it wasn't real. She wished this was all just a fecking nightmare that she could wake up from.

But it wasn't.

OHHH BOY THAT ENDS THAT! Act 1 complete! Hold on though folks! We still have 2 more acts and the endings to get through. Let's hope Ruski gets a happy ending soon! (Thoughweknowitwonthappen) also yeah the flower in the title makes sence as flax flowers I believe are (or at least used to be) mostly found in, you guessed it, Belarus. Just a fun bit of flower knowledge.

Au revoir mon ami! BYYYYEEEE!

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