chapter 2: growing pains

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"A... tansy?" He questioned. "Growing out of my wrist?" It felt like a painful nightmare but there was indeed a yellow tansy growing from the back of his left wrist. 6 blooms were visible. All a gleaming yellow colour with the stems stained red with blood. Not a drop of blood was on the blooms. It was peculiar. Too peculiar for Russia.

"What is this? What's going on?!" He panicked. As he attempted to try and think of any desise like this that would explain his situation, another tingle in his throat sent him into a strong wave of coughs overflowing him as he once again nearly fell to the floor for the second time that evening.

This time however, the coughs were way more raspy and violent. They felt more like they were tearing his throat up rather than before where it was just clawing at his throat. As the coughs continued, he felt something hit his hand when he coughed. A wet, sticky and copper smelling substance that felt disgusting and warm in his hands. When his coughing fit finally passed, he felt like he was gonna pass out. The one thing preventing him though was the substance on his hand. It was irritating him so much. It was disgusting and he wanted none of it. Once he gained his balance, he checked the clock.

9:30 AM

His sisters would be awake by now so he didn't want to use the bathroom. He checked outside and saw it tipping it down with rain. He made his way over to the balcony door and just as he began to open it, he saw what was staining his hand.

His blood.

Not just a bit though. About a palm full was dripping out his hand, onto the floor and it was staining his jacket. It was too much for Russia to handle. He was tired, in pain and just wanted to sleep. So he washed off the blood and got on his bed hoping he could forget this ordeal. It wasn't easy though. The tansy stung him everytime he fell asleep and even if he did, the same nightmares hed been having since the break up controlled his dreams as normal.

But he never stopped questioning his flower. Why was it there and what was causing it? Well the second answer you understand but that first one has 2 meanings and I have that unknown answer for you fellow readers. However I have no intention of sharing it to you myself. I don't want to spoil the surprise. The flower however, has a purpose. One that is always there. You will find out soon enough.

I'd say we should check in on our 3 "friends" Ukraine, Belarus and America. However, I think you know how it's going. They still greatly dislike Russia. They don't know what happened behind the closed door though. Within their own, Belarus was the only one who was starting to show signs of worry. She was awoken that night by Russias coughs and though, 'oh shiza! I hope hes not dying. I mean I don't like him... I think... I know he's my brother but hes not the greatest person... and yet death isn't deserved by anyone."

She thought Russia hated her. He didnt obviously but she to was afraid to ask. That morning after Russias second outburst of coughs, she just sat outside his door listening. She did want to speak up. She felt that hateful barrier break away but not crumble into dust to relive her. She couldn't speak to him. This mistake would bring his downfall.

And yet those cracks in her hate would be what buys her time. Give her time to realize. Give her the time she needs. But will it be enough time?

His end is drawing near.

A.n: woooooooo ok. Plot twist. Someone cares! Kinda. Belarus seemed a perfect choice for the support character here to be transitioned first. Plus I'm not that cruel. Russia is gonna need someone to care for him. Especially later on. Belarus was the pick here as I feel like she would be the first to care. I know in the original story, ame was the first to come around and then Ukraine came to her sences. However, this is an alternative timeline so my rules here. Anyways yeah. Belarus is beginning to have second thoughts and it's only gonna get worse. Let's hope for the best. See you next chapter. BYYYYEEEE!

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