chapter 5: rebuilding a sibling relationship

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It was nearly 3 or 4 hours before Russia awoke and even then, he was still exhausted. His breathing was still lodged and something pressed on his tounge and throat.


He noticed eventually that he was on his bed. How did he get here? To his left he noticed his sister sitting on the floor next to him, laying her head and arms on the bed to and sleeping. It was... kinda cute. Besides the tear stains. 'Wait. Was she crying? Why was she crying?'Russia thought. He slowly and painfully sat up and looked at his clock. It read 6:30am. Too early to be awake now. He sighed, almost choking again. That woke up Belarus almost instantly.

"Bro? Oh thank the spirits above your ok!" She said relived. She so wanted to hug him but knew that was a bad idea.
Instead she held onto his right hand to show her relief for him not dying in her arms just yet. Russia however was still nervous on facing her and looked down and away from her not wanting to make eye contact. Belarus caught on quickly. "Its ok if you dont want to talk now. I did come in after you didn't want me to. I just... I thought you were... dying." She explained. She could see Russia was exhausted. "Turns out I was right to think so." She quickly added catching Russias attention. He looked scared but confused.

"Y-you know w-what this i-is?" He asked and all he got was a nod and a nervous face from his sister. "Well... wha-" "Hanahaki..." she interrupted her brothers question. Russia was slightly shocked and confused, but once Belarus  explained the desiese, all became clearer. "So... I have 3 days to either give up on my love, get rid of the flowers or die?" He concluded.

"Or let them have a change of heart."
"Yeah sis that ain't gonna happen. I know you changed but that's because you're kind to begin with. Of course you'd show sympathy." He said trying to debunk her statement. "But Ame and Ukraine.... they wouldn't care."

"I'm sure they would. I can try to get them to see what they did. I won't leave you to die so easily. But I do have a question." She expressed. Russia looked at her ready to answer. "You know the option of the removal of the flowers-" "No. I cant." He interrupted. "I'm not living my life out loveless. Even if these next few days are gonna be hell." He protested. Belarus took in his words and, as much as she didnt want to, she agreed. Of course she'd try and convince him later on but for now, she left his choice to him.

"Well... on a happier note, it's great to see you after a month. Though at a bad time... I did reflect on everything that happened and I am happy I can talk to you." Russia didn't know how to respond. Belarus was putting on a fake smile but not because she was lying. Instead it was because she was worried about her brother. She was trying to smile, but Russia saw through. And yet, he played along.

"I... I'm also k-kinda glad I can t-talk to someone without them t-telling me to piss off or f-flat out ignore me." He barely got out thanks to the flowers. Everything seemed almost impossible to get out. He thought that by tomorrow, he wouldn't he able to speak or scream anymore. If he were in pain, he wouldn't be able to call for help. He was very much thankful right now that he could talk. "It... feels n-nice to t-talk to you sis." He added. He was tired but didn't feel like sleeping. Instead, he remained awake for a while.

After an hour, Belarus had to go off to do her thing. Russia didn't mind of course. He'd been alone for a while. He just went about a bit of his own business and sat out on the balcony for a bit. Sure, it was a struggle to get there due to him being completely drained of all energy, but the view was always worth it. He sat there, taking in the blissful moment of peace, sometimes pondering if this will be the last time he will see it, but enjoying the view nonetheless. He decided to check on his phone for anything new. He told Ame to call him when he came around, even though Russia didn't intend on looking into it right now, and, as always, nothing. He was so sure of himself that it was Russias fault of his injury (Read random-sk's book for insight) . But it wasn't. He just needed time to realize.

But now Russia hasn't got that time to wait.

This is gonna be a very close call.

Aaaaaand the shiza lives through school! Woo! Seriously guys. Why are you still here? Also yes. Russia did just get through a chapter without coughing. ITS A MIRACLE! Anyways hope you enjoyed and I would like to know which character we follow next. Choices stand at followed.

America. Ukraine. Belarus.

Last thing, if you guys find spelling errors, point them out and I'll fix them. Ok? Ok.

Well I guess I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Once I get the character sorted. BYYYYEEEE!

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