Part 41 (City of Heavenly Fire)

42 4 3

343. The pyjamas of vengence.


344. Sometimes you can't go back. Sometimes too much has changed.


345. Everyone should die with someone holding onto them.


346. Forever doesn't make a loss forgettable, only bearable.

-Brother Enoch

347. Have you ever felt that your heart contained so much that it must surely break apart?

-Brother Zacariah

348. Weapons, when they break and are mended, can be stronger at the mended places. Prehaps hearts are the same.


349. Demons are just angels that make poor life decisions.


350. Because that which was new was almost always temporary. And that which was temporary broke your heart

351. I only have two reactions to bad news. Uncontrolable rage, and then a sharp left turn into boiling self-hatred.


352. I'm all about that Jace

Bout that Jace

Bout that Jace

No Sebby


Hey guys

So all of these quotes are from City of Heavenly fire by Cassandra Clare. Except the last one, that's just a fandom joke thingy.

Yeah I may or may not be obsessed with the Mortal Instruments. Haha

Has anyone else (except Siobhain and Sarah) read it or is currently reading it? And what book are you up to?

Comment below

Bye :)

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