Part 90

15 2 0

842. If I ever get caught commiting a crime, there's a 99% chance it'll be for robbing a bookstore

843. Well here's a thought: What about making the movie like the books *gasp*

844. My boyfriend does this amazing thing where he's a fictional character

845. What a beautiful day to stay indoors

846. "Ok" and "Okay" sound different inside my head

847. The fault in our stars a.k.a "You could litterally throw this book at someones face and it wouldn't hurt nearly as much as the story

848. What was that author? I couldn't hear you over the sound of characters dying

849. If I actually close my book for you, you're special

850. But why say "Everlark" when  you can call it "Peeniss"

851. Plot twist: We're all neighbours but none of us socialized enough to realize


Hey guys

There's only two days til Christmas!!!!! :D I'm just a lil excited (can't you tell :P)

So anyway, I saw this on tumblr and thought I'd ask it on here because I thought it'd be interesting.

Okay so the question is:

Based on what I post (and what you know about me), what would you get me for christmas?

I just thought it'd be interesting to know

Bye :)

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