Part 106

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978. Boys, if you ask a girl who she likes and she says "Oh nobody", she's:

1% telling the truth

5% lying

94% saying that because it's you

979. I'm afraid to break someones heart. Why? Because I know how it feels

980. I try not to miss you. I try to let you go. But in the end, you're always on my mind

981. I'm cute as hell, which is incedentally where I come from

982. The difference? This time I won't wait by my phone. I won't text you everyday to remind you that I exist. I won't give you that power anymore. You want me? You'll have to show me

983. Stay strong. You can do it

984. I'm so tired

985. Never call a girl fat. You never know how far she'll go to be the opposite

986. Smells like the only Nirvana song you know

987. You can't fix yourself by breaking someone else

988. What went wrong?

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