First imagine- read on for surprise player

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So here I go...

You were sitting on the beach as the sun began to set. Footsteps sounded behind you and you turned around.

"Russell!" You exclaimed.

He picked you up and swung you around.

"Y/N, its been long,"

"Only one week, but yeah, really long," you said wistfully.

"Watch the sunset with me?" He pleaded.

You two sat down and watched the sunset together. Your head was on his shoulder while his arm was wrapped around you. This was the best night ever for you two.

"I've been thinking. Maybe we can go to the party tonight?" You asked.

Russell was really protective of you but you knew he loved you so much. He nodded and you chose something to wear. You two got into his car and headed to the place.

Music blared from the speakers as you and Russell went inside hand in hand. People were already drunk, and dancing with people they just met. Another man tried to grab you but your grip on Russell's hand was stronger. The crowd thickened and soon you lost him.

You made way for the bar and a man confronted you.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing alone?" He slurred.

"I'm trying to find my boyfriend,"

"He left? Wow, some boyfriend," he grabbed your arm but you pulled away. He gave up and bought you a drink instead. Little did you know the drink was stronger than you thought and you were intoxicated after a few. He led you to the dance floor and he grabbed you by the waist and slowly started dancing.

"y/n what are you doing?" A familiar voice called.

"Go away, I'm having fun,"

Strong arms lifted you and you guys left the house. He took you to his car.

"What was that?"

"What? I can't have a little social life?" You said.

"I was looking for you and there you were dancing with some other man! We both vowed we would never drink!"

"Maybe it's time to break it! Stop being so protective!" You yelled back.

Russell looked hurt. You immediately regretted what you said.


He immediately hugged you and his lips met yours.

"I just can't live without you," he whispered.

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