Age doesnt Matter - Tom Brady for Abigail

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"Hey Abigail, let's go meet my parents," Tom said. You had dated your boyfriend Tom Brady for six months now and figured it was time to go meet them. You dressed in the most appropriate manner and headed out the door.

You were nervous because Tom was a lot older than you. You didn't know how his parents would feel if they found out that their son was dating someone way younger than him. So you hoped for the best.

"Its okay Abigail, I'll be there," he smiled and rang the doorbell.

"Welcome to our home! You must be Abigail," they smiled and you shook their hands. As you walked in you saw how diehard fans his parents were. You saw so many pictures of him on game days and a lot of Patriot merchandise.

"Dinner is ready so please take a seat," his mom beckoned to the table.

The dinner was splendid. They never touched on the age subject until his dad brought it up.

"How old are you Abigail?"

Tom shot his dad a look.

"Y/A," (your age) you stuttered.

"Wow, your incredibly young. Thats nice," he said.

You were shocked at how cool his dad reacted to the subject. Many parents would not tolerate that.

"May I take your plate Abigail?" His mom asked.

You kindly gave her your plate.

"Thank you mom and dad for the splendid dinner. Abigail and I have to go," Tom got up.

They took your to the door and smiled.

"Please come again!" They said.

"That wasn't too bad," Tom noticed.

You agreed.


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