Fancy Pizza - Brock Osweiler for Vanessa

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"How much did this place cost? It looks expensive," you said looking around.

"It wasn't too bad," Brock grinned.

You two were dating for years now and you felt really love around him. Before your boyfriends only wanted to be with you because of your looks but Brock was different. He loved you for your personality and complimented you on it everyday. You were beginning to think that you and Brock were meant to be.

"So are we going to order or what?" He asked.

You picked up the menu and ordered the fancy sounding pizza.

"You and pizza," he groaned. He ordered something you couldn't remember the name of but it sounded good. You sat there in awe, and looked over at him. He excused himself and headed to the bathroom.

Your family and his began to arrive and you looked at them in shock.

"Whoa, why are you guys here?"

"Brock invited us to come," your mom said. Everyone got settled and they ordered too. Brock came back smiling and you couldn't help but wonder what was going on. But you decided against asking him.

You were filled with the amazing fancy pizza. Brock suddenly got down on one knee. You gasped.

"Vanessa, I love you and I could yell that to the world. You mean so much to me and I want to spend the rest of my time together with you. Will you marry me?" He pulled out a stunning ring and smiled up at you. You looked at your family who were nodding yes.

So you did too.

Hope you liked it!

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