What you argue about

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Lack of time together. Zeke is a busy man but tries his best to make time for you and give you attention, but you guys practically have a long distances relationship with him being gone all the time. He will always make up for it with his charm and you two always end up having hot make up sex. Zeke just wants to make the best out of your time together but he does feel bad that he's gone often.


You two hardly argue at all. Sometimes though, you get a little opinionated on his duties and try to talk him out of inheriting the Beast Titan and it becomes a back and forth discussion. It always ends with him letting you know that it will still happen and that he wants you by his side through it all. You always let it slide but it's obvious that you're upset at the thought of not spending forever with him. He holds you tight and gives you comforting words and reminds you how much he loves you.


His jealousy. He can get a little possessive with you. If he spots you chatting with another male, he will watch and study the guy talking to you to make sure his intentions aren't bad. Most of the time he will give them a piece of his mind and it embarrasses you. You two fight about it but he reassures you that he trusts you, just not the other men. You tend to roll your eyes at him a lot but end up getting over it when he gives you playful kisses and tickles to lighten the mood.


He is also very jealous and gives other men death glares which you find annoying. You also once nagged about his clinginess to you and he got highly offended. He wanted to "teach you a lesson" and gave you the silent treatment until you finally gave in and apologized. He apologized too and afterward you guys cuddled and he would occasionally makes sarcastic comments about you being too clingy to him now.


You guys never really argue. If you are in a bad mood, he notices and gives you space which upsets you because sometimes he gives you too much space. So you whine to him about not getting enough attention and he gives it to you. You guys then cuddle in bed and take a nap.

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