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(I wonder if the AOT world had contraception? I'm assuming not)


-Zeke doesn't want any kids
-Because of his traumatic childhood experiences and, well, his big plan on trying to keep Eldians from breeding
-But accidents happen and he definitely was not pleased when you broke the pregnancy news to him.
-Zeke is a careful man so the only reason you'd get pregnant by him is if the two of you had a drunken night and he wasn't himself
-He is not happy that you decided to keep it.
-He wasn't a complete asshole during your pregnancy though, he cares a lot about you and your health, so he would do sweet things for you like bring you your cravings, foot massages
-He never tried to bond or touch your stomach though, he had a lot of guilt
-Come labor time, he is most likely away at work and you sent someone to get him, he was definitely a nervous wreck for you
-He walks in the room, thankfully after all the yelling and blood was over with
-When he holds his baby for the first time, everything in his mind changes and the world stops. He fell deeply in love with his child
-I could see the kid being a boy, since history likes to repeat itself in his case.


-Colt would love a family but of course, being that he is next in line to inherit the beast titan, he doesn't want to put you through being a single mother
-You want a baby with him so bad, you admire how loving he is towards his brother, it literally makes your heart skip a beat watching him around kids
-Colt would definitely be the kind to get caught in the moment and get you pregnant
-When you break the news to him, he was definitely worried but you reassure him that it's meant to be.
-He warms up to the fact that you're pregnant with his child
-He is a total sweetheart during your pregnancy, he spoils, gives/does whatever you ask of him
-During your labor he won't leave your side and he'd give you words of encouragement, while holding your hand
-Once his child is born, he just doesn't want to let the baby go, you have to ask him to give you a turn
-I could see the baby being a boy, later down the line, he would agree to a second baby so they could have each other to look after


-Porco doesn't want kids either
-Mainly because of his lifespan and he doesn't want to bring any kids into this cruel world
-So the pregnancy is definitely an accident and pure luck because his pull out game is strong
-He would definitely be upset when he finds out your pregnant, you'd be scared of his reaction and try to hide it as long as you can
-He would be more upset that you tried hiding it and also upset with himself that he made you feel scared of the way he may have reacted
-Just like Zeke, Porco wouldn't go out of his way to bond with your baby bump, at least not while you're awake
-At night time he would wait until you're asleep and secretly rub your belly out of curiosity
-He would fall in love as soon as he felt the baby's kick through your belly for the first time
-He never told you though because he's too prideful
-When you're in labor he would be by your side, but he was definitely squeamish, trying to avoid the view
-I could see him having a girl, and constantly giving her kisses, he adores her


-You definitely want to have a baby with him and it took a lot of convincing
-Just like all the Warriors, having a family isn't something ideal
-But you convince him that you want to carry out his family name and he warms up to the idea
-You get pregnant right away and Reiner treats you like a Queen
-He always makes sure you are being careful and he'd be the type to make you a 2am snack
-He is always feeling your belly up and talking to the baby
-He thinks your pregnancy body is hot
-Come labor time, the man would literally carry you to the hospital
-He is definitely nervous but tries his best to hide it so he could support you
-After the baby is born, he would be praising you on your strength and thanking you
-I could see him having a girl and loves to keep her warm on his chest


-Again, I don't think he would want kids
-But it happens accidentally, just like Colt, his pull out game is weak.
-The both of you are a nervous wreck about bringing a child into this world
-But nonetheless, you both try to make the best out of the situation
-He would constantly be asking you if everything is ok and if you need anything
-He tries to bond with your baby bump but is kinda awkward about it
-You are self conscious about your pregnancy body but he always reassures you that you are beautiful
-When you're in labor, this man is a nervous wreck, he would be pacing back and forth
-He would feel so guilty putting you through that pain
-When the baby is born, it took a lot of convincing for Bertholdt to hold his own baby, he was so scared of the fragile little thing, he'd never want to hurt his child
-I could see the baby being a boy

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