What They're Like As Fathers

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What they're like as fathers


-You do most of the work with the baby since Zeke is always busy, but he won't hesitate to help out when he can or change a dirty diaper
-You let Zeke sleep at night and take care of the baby yourself, but you don't mind
-Zeke would get excited about the baby's milestones and literally gush over any cute thing the baby does
-He's definitely a caring and laidback father
-He would make sure he's nothing like his father Grisha
-He is accepting of whatever his son what's to do or be
-You can bet that Zeke will teach that kid how to play catch before they could walk
-He's only strict when he has to be, but he's more lenient than you
-He loves teaching his kid new things.


-Colt is always helping you out any way he can.
-He would hold that baby for hours and watch him sleep
-He wakes up before you do at night sometimes when the baby cries. He wakes you up if the baby needs to breastfeed, otherwise, he'll let you keep sleeping
-He is a loving father who worries a lot, he just wants the best for his kid
-He would tell his son all kinds of stories
-He loves showing the baby off to everyone
-He has a hard time saying no to his kid so you do most of the discipline
-He will teach his son how to be strong and protect his family
-He's also a cool dad


-You do most of the work with the baby
-Porco loves to walk around holding the baby but as soon as he smells a dirty diaper or the baby spits up, he hands her right over to you
-Don't expect him to wake up at night and help, but he will at least help put her to bed
-He is definitely overprotective, especially that the baby is a girl
-He would treat her like a total princess
-But he is definitely strict when it comes to her being around certain people and doing certain things
-So you let him do the disciplining, but he is fair about it
-She would be a total daddy's girl


-You and Reiner split the work evenly
-He will definitely change dirty diapers, clean spit up and take the baby as soon as she starts crying
-He wants to be the father he never had
-He would wake up at night with you when the baby starts crying and be like "You got it?" And you always say yes, so he'll fall back asleep
-He will spoil that girl rotten
-So you have to do all the disciplining
-She will definitely go to Reiner when she wants something, knowing he can't resist
-He teaches her self defense moves to make sure she can defend herself against any guy
-He tries to be a cool dad but can be embarrassing sometimes


-You do most of the work but he will help when you ask him to
-He will cradle his son and swear to him that he will always protect him, but as soon as that baby starts crying, he freaks out and hands him over
-He definitely will not wake up in the middle of the night, he's a heavy sleeper so he gets enough sleep for the two of you
-But when he sees how tired you are in the mornings, he will take the baby for a bit to let you nap
-He is a sweet dad but surprisingly strict
-He wants his son to be independent and brave
-His son looks up to him and hopes to be as tall as him
-He likes to take his son out on long trips to teach and bond with him

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