Showing PDA

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Showing PDA
(Public display of affection)


-PDA depends on where and who you two are with
-He won't really show PDA if you guys are around any of his Work related/Warriors
-But if you two are just out roaming the town then he will put his arm on your back or let you cling onto his arm
-Zeke will also show appropriate PDA in front of his grandparents, he likes to show you off to them and prove that he's found someone he cares about other than them
-He won't initiate any kissing in public but if you go for it, he won't reject it
-He likes to tease you and would smack your butt when no one is paying attention or whisper something dirty in your ear just to get a reaction out of you


-Colt is a sweetheart and would totally show PDA if you ask for it
-You two are usually spotted holding hands
-He's not embarrassed to pop a kiss on your hand or forehead if you guys are around people he knows, unless it's in front of a superior of course
-He does get a little shy kissing you on the lips in front of Falco, Gabi and the kids
-You'd pucker your lips at him and he would give you the quickest peck kiss ever and be like "The kids are watching." And totally blush when the kids go "Ewwwww" or "Ouuuuuu"
-But other then that, he's open to showing you how much he loves you to everyone


-He likes PDA, But of course, it varies on who you guys are around
-Porco will always have you tucked under his arm
-If you two are just hanging around town, restaurants, bars, he's totally for PDA, he wants all the men to know that you belong to him and he will initiate kissing
-If all of a sudden Porco comes up to you and starts kissing your face or holding you extra close, you know it's because he spotted someone he doesn't like nearby or witnessed a guy checking you out
-Around friends and comrades he is a little more discrete but still likes to have his arm around you


-Reiner would totally show you PDA and isn't ashamed
-He likes to have his arm around your waist
-When you guys are just standing around he will come from behind and place his big hands on both your shoulders
-He will definitely kiss you in public, but he will pull you to a random empty corner and kiss you a little more passionately
-People often tell you two to get a room
-He would hold your hand across the table during dinner at a restaurant


-Bert is shy about it but will show PDA if you initiate it
-You guys hold hands or he'll let you hold onto his long arm
-He is willing to give you peck kisses, so long as it's not in front of people he knows
-He cant help but always notice you when you two are in public and will sometimes place a hand on the small of your back to acknowledge you
-Truthfully he loves giving you affection, he just doesn't like hearing side comments from Reiner or his friends
-He tells you lovey dovey things when no one else is paying attention

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