First time having sex

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Having sex with them for the first time

///Mature Content///


-Zeke is not a virgin
-He's had flings with women before just to satisfy his needs but you were the first woman Zeke has ever been serious with and the first he's loved
-You guys made love before the relationship got serious
-You're not the hook up kind of person but Zeke really charmed you with his words
-Your first time together was romantic and comfortable, He made sure you were ok with whatever he was doing
-You probably finish before him, he could go on forever
-If he finishes first then he will make sure to finish the job


-Colt is definitely a virgin
-He's still on the younger side (I'm assuming he's around 17-19) so he doesn't have that kind of experience
-You guys waited a bit, making sure you went through all the bases before you two were ready
-It was a little awkward at first since you two had no idea what you guys were doing or how exactly to please each other
-But once you two got started, Colt was very passionate
-He finished rather quick though
-But you were ok with it, you still enjoyed yourself and over time, sex became so much better and fun


-Surprisingly, Porco is a virgin
-He likes to act like he isn't though
-He just doesn't concern himself with relationships and was never actively looking for it
-You guys had sex later into the relationship, mainly because he took a bit to initiate it
-He'd never admit it but he was actually a little self-conscious, he wanted to make sure it would be perfect
-When you guys finally had sex for the first time he constantly kept pulling out, he didn't want to finish quickly and did whatever he could to prevent that. Porco couldn't bare that kind of humiliation, even though you didn't care as much as he thought you did
-After breaking the ice, You guys became addicted to each other and would literally have sex any chance you got


-Reiner is not a virgin
-Ever since Reiner returned to Marley, he had been a little down so a buddy recommended he go to a brothel to "relieve some stress"
-He only went there a few times but wished he hadn't once he met you
-You guys made love pretty early into the relationship
-It was actually your first time so Reiner made sure to be very gentle with you
-Reiner is amazing at sex, being that he's had experience, so he knows how to please a women and especially because he's doing it with someone he truly loves
-His sex drive is high so you sometimes have to keep up with him
-He's very good at holding himself until you orgasm first


-Bertholdt is 110% a virgin
-He does not know how to charm a woman
-You guys didn't make love until way later into the relationship and you had to initiate it
-He did seek advice from Reiner on how to pleasure a women and all the do's and don'ts
-He listened to all the advice and surprisingly did a fairly good job
-But he unfortunately came like 5 minutes into it
-He did his best to hide his embarrassment and finished pleasuring you afterward
-Bertholdt sometimes gets performance anxiety so he prefers for you to take over and he takes great pleasure out of it

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