When you wear something revealing

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When you wear something a little too revealing in public


-Zeke is pretty nonchalant about it
-He will probably bring it up like "What's with the short skirt?" And you'd be like "I thought it was cute." He would agree and shrug it off
-If another male acknowledges your appearance Zeke will just stand behind you, giving them a threatening glare but making sure you don't notice
-He would also whisper something dirty in your ear like "Let's take that off you when we get home"
-Zeke doesn't care too much on how you choose to express yourself, if he has a slight problem with it then he will most likely keep it to himself


-Colt would blush and be a little surprise since it isn't like you to wear things that reveal your cleavage
-He'd want to bring it up without offending you "T-that's a nice shirt" and you'd be happy that he noticed "You think so?"
-He would take subtle glances at your chest
-When he notices the attention you're receiving, Colt would be like "It's a little cold out, don't you think?" And drape his coat over you
-He later will try to confess "That top you wore was lovely but.." and you cut him off "It was too much isn't it?" Making Colt feel so relieved you felt that way too


-Porco will not be pleased what so ever
-He'd be like "What the hell are you wearing?" And you'd be like "You don't like it?"
-Porco would have his arm around you so everyone knows you belong to him
-He gets pissed when he hears a man catcalling you and will go to confront him but you try your best to break up the fight
-He will tell you to never wear something like that again and you'd get upset with how dramatic he's being
-He always apologizes for overreacting
-You reassure him that you are all his and give his praises to boost his ego a bit


-He would be cool about it at first, In fact probably proud "Wow babe you look sexy"
-Reiner loves to show off his attractive girlfriend
-He would also have his arm around you or hold your hand to make it obvious that you two are together
-His mind would change though when he spots a group of guys flirting with you
-Reiner will break it up and confess that maybe you should have worn a different dress, which highly offended you
-He would make it up to you by buying you a new dress that you had been eyeing for awhile, just to get on your good side again but mainly because it was more appropriate than your last one


-He honestly isn't a fan of you showing your body off but he wouldn't dare to tell you
-He will still somewhat bring it up like "Wow that's different" you can definitely tell he's uncomfortable
-He tries so hard to be a gentleman and not check you out
-A random guy whistles at you and Bertholdt puts his hand on your shoulder, leading you away, trying to avoid any conflict
-You take notice of his behavior and become insecure of your outfit choice "I knew it, you hate it" and Bertholdt is like "What? No no, you look beautiful!"

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