Chapter 2: Do You Know Who That Is? Part 2

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Billie POV

I wake up in a bed that isn't mine and immediately I shoot up and look down and see my hands bandaged up and I have no clue what happened and then the memories from last night flow into my brain.

I think I killed Que, I run out of the room and make my way into Zoe's room and give her a look. "Did I kill him?" I asked. Although what he did angered me, he's still one of my closest friends and I don't keep many friends.

"No, but you messed him up. what were you thinking!?" She asked me shocked.

"Oh, thank god, It was his fault, he threw a party that I had no clue about, he deserved it!" I yell back at her.

"Just forget about it, we have other stuff to talk about than you beating him up."

"Like what? And make it quick, I have to go and catch up on the inventory of the guns."

"Uhh, like you and that mystery girl yesterday at that cafe." Knowing exactly what she is talking about, my mind goes back to that girl and how she insulted and I'm no longer angry, I'm surprised that a girl that small would stand up to me. A GAMBINO.

"Hello...? Earth to Bil."

"Huh? Yeah, what?"

"What are you gonna do? She disrespected you. Do you need men to go get her, because I'm in the mood to kill again."

I look up at Zoe with a look she's never seen before,

I look up at Zoe with a look she's never seen before,

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"What? Is someone here?" I look around her room reaching for my gun in my large pockets.

"No. It's you! You're catching feelings." She says all excited.

"What? No way, I'm not! I don't do relationships, fuck love and relationships." I say defending myself.

"Billie's catching feelings, Billie's catching feelings" Zoe sings.

"I will freaking pistol-whip you if you keep running your mouth off!" I whisper yell to her.

Zoe: "Ok! Ok!" she gets quiet.

"Good, come on I got a house of 200 people to run, let's go!"

I walk down the stairs and there are people on the couch, kitchen island and on the marble floor. I was still pissed that they had a party, so I decided to be a bitch and grab the 2 megaphones and shout into them.
"WAKE THE FUCK UP BITCHES!" I shout into the megaphones and people start shooting up one by one, while I wait for everyone.

Zoe comes up to me and says she has a background check on the mystery girl in the cafe.

"Her name is Mariana Rodriguez, Latina, 17 years old, lives here in New York, she is an only child, father died before she was born and has no contact with her mother and she also has very low income by the way." Zoe finishes.

"Go get two of the guys, find out her address and bring her here, HARMLESS, persuade her first," I tell Zoe.

Mariana POV

I open the door to my crappy small apartment, I resist the urge to cry after Nicole just left me yesterday. She knew that she was the only person I had in life. She was my best friend and she just left me in a blink of an eye. I guess friends aren't always there for you and I had to learn that the hard way. I slumped on the door but got up and went to the couch.

My eyes get watery and I start to cry and break down onto the floor

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My eyes get watery and I start to cry and break down onto the floor. The only person who knew my weaknesses and strengths and the person who saw me at my lowest, just left like our friendship meant nothing.

As I continue having my mental breakdown, the door creaks open, I snap my head to the door and see a girl with short blond brownish hair with two men behind her and my years in Army Boot Camp, Juvie and kickboxing class kick in.

I grab the pistol that I always keep under my sofa cushion and aim it at the short blond-haired girl.
"Move one inch, and you're dead blondie, as for the dudes behind you too." I tell her simply.


This girl is the definition of latina lrazy, she waves her gun back and forth between me and Mark and Brandon. She cocks her gun and gets ready to shoot.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on. You're the Mariana girl? Aren't you?" I say to try to comfort her.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"You." I smirk and I run-up quickly and tackle her to the ground. I know Billie said to bring her back harmless but I know this girl will not cooperate.

I straddled her and she punches me in the face aiming at my nose. I groan in pain and she pushes me off of her and runs for the door. But Mike and Brandon stop her before she gets out.

Obviously, this Mariana chic was pissed as hell and she suckered punch them and before she could get out the door, I grabbed her wrists.

"Let me the hell go!" She yells.

"We're not trying to hurt you, we just need to take you somewhere, you're completely safe." She looks deeply into my eyes to see if I'm lying.

"Fine! But you stay here, you give me the address and I drive there myself. I don't trust any of you." I give her the address and she leaves leaving me alone with Mark and Brandon and with bloody noses.

Claudia POV

I'm in the storage room doing the inventories for the bombs and guns. According to the list I was given, I should 25 AK-47's, 15 Glocks, and 90 explosives. I liked doing inventory by myself because it gives me peace and quiet. Which is what I need a lot more of after Finneas was killed.

Ever since my husband was killed along with his parents, I've felt so horrible, especially for Billie, since she lost her brother, mother, and father.

But the thing that surprises me is that she acts ok. My thoughts were interrupted by loud banging on the front door. I go and open it and the sight in front of me had me shook to the core.

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now