Chapter 8: You're My Sister

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Mariana POV

I knock on Claudia's door and she must've thought I was mom because she told me to go away. I open the door anyway and her hardened face softened when she sees me at her door. She's sitting on the bed and I walk to her and we say nothing. "I have no clue what to say?" I tell her

"How about you're my sister?"

"I have a sister."

"My sister is actually alive"

"Umm, I'm confused on how we never saw each other though?" Claudia thinks for a while.

"Oh.. It makes so much more sense now. I'm 21, you're 17 were 4 years apart, so you were born when I was 4 but when I was 4 I was at boarding school so she must have put you up for adoption before I came home. When you were 13 she adopted you again. At the time, I was 17 living here with Billie. So there was no way that we could've seen each other. She made sure of that." Claudia says.

"That explains a lot, Claudia. But I just want to know why she kept in contact with you. She was such a great mom to you why not me?"

"I don't have the answer, but all I know is that I'm your big sister and I'm supposed to protect you."

"Protect me? From what?"

"The Columbos? Billie didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what, all I know she has a high social status, hundreds of people who obey and that she makes a lot of money?"

"Well, I can't tell you what we really do then."

"Claudia, what do you mean what do you guys really do?"

"Our lifestyle isn't just rainbows and candy if you want to know the truth ask Billie."

Billie POV

I know you probably want to know why I didn't tell her the truth about the lifestyle we live in. The truth is I live a dangerous life.

I have a target on my back from the Columbo Family, our rivalry is about who has more power and the Gambinos do and we always have and the Columbos were being pussies about it and it came down to whoever has the most kills are powerful.

The Columbos took it to far and lured my mom, dad and my brother Finneas and blew them up. Now im the leader and they want to take me down by targeting the people who have any kind of relationship with a Gambino.

For example, Zoe, her relationship with me is that she's been my best friend as kids. Claudia. Her relationship is with Finneas. His wife. So Long story short, me, Zoe, and Claudia could be killed at any moment and I don't need to look over one more person.

Claudia POV

Why didn't Billie tell Mariana about the war between us and The Columbos? Everyone in the house knows and are always prepared for an ambush. So why doesn't Mariana know?

My thoughts are interrupted when there's a whistle, first it's low then it's low. Someone was in the house and they weren't supposed to be.

"Mariana, stay in here."

"What was that whistle sound?"

"Someone broke in, no matter what happens, you stay in here." I get up and get my pistol.

"Claudia, wait! Let me come with you"

"No, you can't! It's too dangerous, just stay here."

I run out the bedroom locking the door, so no one can get in. The alarms go off. Billie must've put the house on lockdown. But wait, Billie is out on a mission. It's just me and Zoe.

Zoe comes up to me with her pistol in her hand and we try to look for invader but there nowhere to be found.


Mariana POV

I was confused for my life, why did Claudia have a gun and the alarms were giving me a sensory overload. I pace back and forth then I stop.

I hear a creak and snap my head to the door but no ones there. I hear the creak again and then I see a shadow. But it isn't mine. I turn around and it's a guy with black hair and blue eyes and his gun is pointed at me.

"Move one inch, you're dead. Say one word, you're dead." A man says to me.

I'm no longer scared but determined, I was not about to be killed, it wasn't my time. I remembered being trained by the military, so I remain calm. I look at him in the eye and laugh.

"Why are you laughing? Do you want me to shoot?" He asks pushing the gun in front of me.

I grab the man's wrist, and I twist the gun to the right and then down breaking the finger he was holding the trigger with. He yelps in pain because I broke his index finger, I slide the gun out his hand and aim it at him.

I grab him by his collar and unlock the door, dragging him out Claudia's room. He tries to get out my grip, so I pin him to the ground face first. I heard a crack, oops I think I broke his nose. He yells loudly in pain and shouts at me "YOU BITCH!"

"Damn right I am." He flips over so hard that I lose my grip over him and I couldn't let him get the gun and shoot me so I purposely slid the gun across the marble floor and he is straddling over me and he scratches me in my face. I take my free hand and twist his nose breaking it more and he jumps off of me clutching his nose.

I gut him in his stomach and it's like I can't stop hitting him. All the anger and hatred I have towards my mom and life. I took it all out on him.

"Mariana. Stop, he's down!" I look back and see Zoe running towards me. I ignore her and continue to punch this dude, and he's falling in and out of consciousness. Someone tackles me and pushes me into the nearest unlocked bedroom.
This is more to just this chapter but if I add it, this chapter would be like 2000 words.
∆~ Love, Say

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें