Chapter 9: You're My Sister 2.0

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The person pushes me in a random room and slams the door walking out leaving me alone in the room.

I try to get myself together and try to figure out whose room I'm in. I look around and the room is pretty huge. I get up and bump into the table and I turn around and there's a table with laptops and a tv monitor seeing what everyone was doing.

They were cameras, who has cameras in their bedroom? I reach for a switch so I can see better. I flick the switch and the room is deep LED red. I wince at the light not expecting it to be that color. I look around at the wall and It says Billie above the headboard.

So I was in Billie's room but that still didn't explain why she has cameras in her room. I go up to the tables and I see a file with my name on it.

Why would Billie have a file on me? I open the file carefully and look into it and there's a single piece of paper.

Unknown? What am I unknown for? What is going on? I ask myself these questions in hopes of me getting an answer. Obviously, I'm not gonna get answers by sitting here.

So, I go into the computer and attempt to hack into it. Fun Fact: I've gotten in trouble with authorities for hacking. I'm granted access after 5 minutes of going through the system and I don't know what to do, so I click on the files options and do something simple, I search up my name. I click enter and a file pops up.

I press on the file and information from the day I was born up to now is all in the file. I scroll all the down and see words.

Goal: Prevent Targeting from Columbos.
I've only heard Columbo once and it was from Claudia. Claudia said the name as if it was dangerous to say. I get more curious and go back to the search bar and search up Columbo and four files pop up.

Michael Columbo
Taylor Columbo
Elijah Columbo
Isaac Columbo
(I thought to put the Bells Twins as her enemies because they were just using her in real life. So why not?)

I hear footsteps coming towards the room, so I click out of everything and close the envelope, and hop into bed pretending to be fast asleep.

The door swings open and I hear chains clanking against each other, so I know it's Billie and then I hear Zoe's voice, so they're both were in here together, I still pretended to be asleep.

"There she is, she's fast asleep." Zoe says.

"Why'd you put her in here? Her room is right next door." Billie asks.

"I had to push her into the closest room near me, and that room was yours, I had no choice." Zoe defends her decision.

"What do you mean? What could she have done to make you not have a choice, but instead push her into my room?" Billie asks.

"You see, the intruder? How messed up he is? It's because of Mariana. She got on top of him and even though he was out of consciousness she wouldn't stop punching. It was like she was focused on killing him. Billie, I've never seen someone so brave like Mariana, maybe you should think about jumping her into the gang?" Zoe retells my actions and I roll my eyes.
(Jumping means to be beaten up before you can join a gang)

"Absolutely not! She's not ready." Billie whisper yells.

"Yes. She is. Look back at the cameras for the main hall, by Claudia's room, she's a badass." Zoe says.

"I don't care! It's not happening." Billie says.

"Why not? Because you're love in with her?" Zoe teases.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you, I'm not in love with anyone?" Billie says sternly.

"So, why won't you jump her in? Huh?" I hear Zoe.

"BECAUSE." Billie says.

"Because?" Zoe presses Billie for this answer.

"I just have this feeling that I need to protect her. I don't what the feeling is. But it's telling me that I need to protect her, so if that means that I have to tell her that people just fantasize about my family being a crime family or that when I say gang that I actually mean a large group of friends, so be it." Billie says and I raise an eyebrow. Fantasize?

"Billie, you know you can't do that!" Zoe says.

"Yes I can and I am doing it now." Billie tells her best friend.

"Why do you feel the need to protect her?" Zoe asks. What do I need protection from?

"I just do, I don't know why, can you leave so I can get changed?" Billie says.

I hear Zoe sigh and walk out of the room closing it on her way out. I hear Billie's footsteps behind me and she stills thinks I'm asleep because she says "I know you can't hear me because you're asleep right now, but I don't know if I can keep lying to Zoe? The truth is I want to protect you because I dont want to live without you. I dont know what this feeling is called and I dont know if I like it or not."

The truth is the day I and Billie shared that hug. I fell in love with her. No one ever wanted to actually helped me the way Billie did, not even Nicole. But she lied to me about everything, she let me think that she wasn't in an actual gang. But I was in love, I couldn't stay mad at her forever, I just wanted answers.

I eventually turn around to face her with my eyes still closed. "Was that a sign?" She quietly asked. I don't answer, she sighs and heads towards the door to open it and leave. It's time for me to stop being clueless so I sprint up.
"Billie, wait."

"You're up?"

"Who are the Columbos?"
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~Love, Say

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now