Chapter 57: Wake Up

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Mariana POV

I wait in the hospital bed with Billie for the doctor to come. I'm 4 months pregnant and Billie is waiting with me. "Hello.. Bitch? Are you gonna come!?" Billie shouts out being impatient. A doctor rushes in almost tripping over herself. Billie sighs loudly rolling her her eyes. "Sorry I took so long, it's busy today."

The doctor says. She shakes my hand saying "I'm Doctor Practer, nice to meet you Ms. Rodriguez." I shake her and Doctor Practer goes to shake Billie's hand, but Billie just looks at her hand disgusted. The doctor clears her throat and re-frames her hand back.

I just cover my mouth to hold back the laughter that wants to consume me. "Lets just get to what we're here for." Billie says planting her face into her hands. "So Ms. Gambino, are you her friend or sibling?" Practer asks Billie and we both make a face. "Dumb ass,  she's my wife." Billie says, I blush at the words. She called me her wife even though we're not married yet.

But I'm confused of how harsh Billie is being with Doctor Practer. Doctor Practer makes a face of shock. "I-its yours?" Practer says and Billie groans "No... it's the bed's." Billie says, I laugh a little. "The hell?" I say quietly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that." Practer says.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask Billie and Practer makes a face and she looks down at my hand with my engagement ring on it. I see her eyes water and lips quiver. "Um, are you okay?" I ask the doctor. "Sorry, yes i'm fine." She says.

Billie says "Can we get a different doctor?" I nod out of me being uncomfortable. It gets quiet for a while, awkward tension. I take that time to put 2 and 2 together. "Do you guys know each other or..." I ask curiously. "Yea-, um we uh- " Billie stutters and Practer gives me a sinister smile "We slept together."

"Oh come on! Did you always have to have a big mouth!?" Billie yells. I start to get out of the bed to get away from Practer. "Mari... it's not important, she's nothing. It was way before I met you." I nod. "I know, I just don't feel comfortable around her. I just want to leave." 


Billie POV

A week has passed and its the afternoon. I haven't seen Mariana this morning which is strange. My thoughts are interrupted when Dani comes into the office quickly "Mariana won't wake up." She says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean she won't wake up?" I ask.

Dani sighs and says "We think Mariana died in her sleep." I sprint up and run up the stairs to my bedroom to see a pale, frail, sick body. Mariana. I kneel down by her side of the bed. "Mari? Mamas? Wake up." I shake Mariana a little, but I get no response.

I feel my mom pull me up and she says she has to talk to me. She takes me out of the room so we're alone. "Um Billie, the medics did a test on her and uh.." My mom starts and I press on her to finish "Come on mom, speak." 

"Billie, she's pregnant with twins." Mom says and I shake my head "T-twins? That can't be true. Take another test." I start to yell. "Billie, it's true. You and I both know what happens when a Gambino impregnates someone with Twins." Mom starts. "All 3 die." I finish.

"Billie, she won't wake up, this has happen for generations in our family. Every women pregnant with twins die." My mom says and I shake my head in disbelief. "No. No. No, that can't be possible, she was fine just yesterday." 

My dad comes into the hallway with us and he says "I'm sorry Billie. It's over." I kick the wall "No, it isn't! She'll wake up!" He grabs my arm "How many times do we have to tell you? She won't wake up." He says through gritted teeth. "A thousand more times and it still wouldn't be true." I yell at him yanking my arm from his grasp.

I walk back into the bedroom where the doctor is still examining Mariana. "There is a way." The doctor says. "A way what?" Claudia asks. "To wake her up. One of the twins is pressing on the nerve that causes her to be in a deep sleep. The baby can move itself, but we don't know how long the baby will stay on that nerve. So I'm thinking we should give her a c-section to move the babies." The doctor says.

"Let's do it then." Claudia says. 

No fucking way. They're only 4 months, the twins will die." I say. "Ms. Gambino, this is the only way she'll wake up." The doctor brings in machines and she lifts up that scalpel. "Put that scalpel down now! That's an order." The doctor puts the scalpel down as told. "Billie, please you have to let her do this. It's the only way, please." My mom says.

"What if Mariana bleeds out? What if the babies cant breath. They're too fucking small! I can't!" I say and Zoe pulls me up "Billie, if you don't let us do this, all 3 don't survive. We will wake her up. We'll find a way!" Zoe says calming me down. "Fine." I face the doctor. "When I come back, all 3 of them better be alive and breathing. Or you're gonna die a death I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy." 


Mariana POV

I feel my eyes flutter and I look down to see I'm in my head but I have a weird feeling. I look up to see eyes on me. I see Billie's parents, my friends, Claudia, Billie herself staring down at me. I'm genuinely confused. Were they staring at me the whole time. I'm just trying to sleep.

I get up and Kehlani puts her hand out "Don't move." She says and I furrow my brows "What?" I continue to move up and I immediately feel a stabbing pain in my stomach. I shoot back screaming in pain. "Fuck!" I shout. The pain goes away and I calm myself down. Everyone leaves besides Billie and she pushes my hair out of my face.

"What's going on Billie?" I ask Billie and she grins a little bit. "You're so beautiful." She says slowly and I make a confused face at the affection. "Um, you have 3 kids now?" She says looking up at me. "What do you mean? I'm still pregnant. Don't you mean 2 kids? Unless I'm pregnant with twins." She gets quiet and I get it. "T-twins?" I say.

"Yes. Two boys, Hades and Jayden." I laugh a little when she says the names we chose together if the babies were gonna be boys. "Billie, how do you know all this?" 

"They're right there." She kisses my hand and points to two babies. I gasp looking at my two newborn sons. Jayden and Hades. I'ma mother of 2.


Whats up peeps!? So She has twins, one of guys said if there could be a baby number two? Hinting that there could be twins and they were right! You Don't Know Me is almost at its ending. 3 more chapters. Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to add me on Snapchat, search up whoamithough1 

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz