Chapter 10: How Do You Know?

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Billie POV

"What did you say?" I ask, I think I heard wrong.

"I said who are the Columbos."

"I have no idea what your talki-"

"You don't need to lie anymore, you have a file on your table with my name on it and a single sheet of paper that says I'm unknown. What am I unknown to Billie?"

For the first time, I'm nervous? That's strange, I'm never nervous. How could have Mariana possibly heard the name Columbo and why did my dumbass leave the file out in the open. I can't tell her the truth. I can't, I'm protecting her by not telling her.

"I can't tell you, Mariana" she shouts as she starts to rant.

"Why can't you tell me? Huh? Why do you feel the need to protect me? What is there to protect me from? Oh yeah, when were you going to tell me you are leading a fucking gang!? I've been lied to my entire life. I find out just today that I have a sister and my own mother told her I was dead. Then you take me in, like some damn blue-haired goddess but when actually, these 200 people living in this house are actually gang members who I thought you were just referring to as friends. Then you tell me that people just pretend that your family is a crime family. On top of that, I have guy sneak up Claudia's fucking window and have them aiming a gun at my goddamn head."

I yell over her voice "ALRIGHT, I GET IT, I LIED AND I DID IT TO KEEP YOU SEPARATE FROM MY WORLD. My world is too dangerous for you to live in or to even know of."

"When you took me in as your roommate. You brought me into your world, so know tell me the truth. Who are the Columbos?" She tells me.

"I'm not telling you." I say.

"Billie, if you don't tell me now. I will not only walk out of your bedroom but also this house with my suitcases in my hands. Now I'm going to ask one more time you have one more chance to answer. Who are the Columbos?" She threatens.

"Ok! Okay...Let me start from the beginning, in the old days, the Gambinos always had a higher power in New York than the Columbos and they didn't like that. So it came to the point where whoever has the most kills gets more power, and the Columbos decided the first targets should be my family and they succeeded and now that I'm in charge, they think the way to take me down is to kill the people I care about. Like Claudia and Zoe. I haven't told you this because I don't want you to be targeted."

"Billie... I understand what position you're in. But I don't need protecting, I can fight for myself." I was so relieved that she understood where I was coming from. I didn't want to lose Mariana. She was my everything an- wait what? Everything? She cant be my everything. That's impossible. I look ahead and Mariana is lying on the bed staring at her ceiling.



"I want to be jumped into the gang."

"Nice joke, give me more."

"No seriously."

"It's not happening."

"Why not?"

"You don't know what your facing."

"I've been to juvie and Army Boot Camp"

"This isn't juvie where you stayed locked up in a cell or Army Boot Camp with every attack is pretend. This is really dangerous shit. One wrong move could have killed in an instant. You're not prepared for it."

"YoUr JusT iN LOve WiTH mE." She mocks Zoe's words and I snap my head in her direction and she sitting up in front of me. I tempted to kiss her but I can't do that, but honestly these 2 months of living with her. I was feeling more and more drawn to her every day. I dont love her. We Gambinos don't find love. "You know what, you're wrong. Really wrong. No, I'm not in love with you, but I really do like you..." I say and it gets quiet.

Mariana POV

Billie just said she liked me, what do I do. What do I do? I couldn't say I'm in love with you because she just liked me, there was a huge difference.

We stare into each other eyes for what felt like hours was only just seconds. I lean closer and she hesitates for a second. But then says "Fuck it come here" She connects her lips onto mine and I close my eyes and deepened the kiss.

She pulls me tighter, and I gasped letting her slip her tongue into my mouth, we both fight for dominance and she wins and we pull away and both of our lips are swollen.


"Mariana. I don't know what this is between me and you, but I want it last."

"Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"If that means your mines and mines only then yes"

"Then yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

Me and Billie look into each other's eyes and I reach up to peck her on the lips but she deepens it and we get lost in the moment that we don't hear the door open and Zoe and Claudia walk-in and see me and Billie practically making out by now. I go over and begin to straddle her lap until a voice says

"You are not about to fuck my little sister in front of me." I throw myself off of Billie and see Claudia and Zoe facing us with their arms crossed. Billie speaks up and says "What do y'all want? And I wasn't going to fuck her."

"We want answers to why you guys are tongue fucking, how long this has been going on and when y'all were gonna tell us?" Zoe says.

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~Love, Say

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें