Chapter 34: Emilia Rose

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Mariana POV

"Emilia. For her name." I say, this baby was beautiful. I didn't really think about whether I was too young to raise a girl, I was just at the moment. I can't let this baby grow up in a horrible orphanage as I did. I want her to have a different and better childhood than me.

If I'm able to prevent that, then I'll do anything. Billie and the rest of them take turns saying, Emilia and eventually it sticks. I still have to talk about Billie about our outfits, but she's so stubborn, all I know is she, Zoe and Shaina are dying their hair tomorrow together.

While Me, Kehlani, Ari and Danielle are dying our hair tomorrow as well. Emilia starts to doze off in her sleep but she wakes up and giggles. I really want this baby.

After spending the day with Emilia, we all learned a few things. She can say a few words here and there; like she calls me mama, and calls Billie mom. We also learned that she's already walking a little. She can sit up and grab things. Oh, and she definitely has a penis. It is the end of the day, and Billie has decided that we would sign the adoption papers together.

After signing it and having it mailed out, she has her personal assistant have people buy shit that Emilia will need like a crib, some clothes, and other stuff. Everything was delivered and set up by a room closest to both of us.

Right now, Billie is trying to feed Emilia spaghetti, but Emilia keeps staring at her in admiration. "Come on, Ems, eat it." Emilia just stares at Billie pouting her lip.

Billie laughs and kisses Emilia's nose. I admire my girlfriend being all lovey-dovey with Emilia, and eventually, Shaina walks over scratching the back of her neck suspiciously. "What did you do?" Billie asks.

Shaina throws her hands up in defense "What makes you think I did something?" We both give her the look of we know you did something stupid and she groans and says "Kehlani may or may not have seen me with someone else. But she's jumping to conclusions and isn't letting me explain." Shaina rambles.

"Shaina!" I yell her name making her flinch, she says "What...?" I get up and say "Explain to her, you idiot!" She rushes out and we both look back to Emilia and widen our eyes at the mess she made. She sticks her tongue out laughing with pasta sauce all over her face.

"I'm not cleaning it," I say quickly. Billie makes a face "I'm not cleaning it neither."

Then we both say in sync "ZOE!"


We just put Emilia to bed and Billie finally wants to talk about what we're wearing for her huge party. "Uhh, I forgot to tell you," Billie says, I furrow my brows "Forgot to tell me what?" I say.

"After my Mafia Initiation, we have to move to California, all of us."


"Yeah. I just found out."

"Why do you have to move to California, when you're about to be the Mafia leader of New York, not California anyway?!"

"That's the thing..."


"I'm not only the mafia leader of New York, its California too." She seems skeptical so I ask.

"Is that it?"

"No. And all the other 48 states too?"

"You're about to be the Mafia Leader of the WHOLE UNITED STATES?"

"Yes! I HAVE TO! Everyone knows except for you. I HAVE NO CHOICE."


"IM FUCKING SORRY! I couldn't just say that randomly. Just come here." She drags me into her lap.

"I'm sorry Mari, I wasn't thinking."

"Is Billie Gambino saying sorry?"

"Don't get used to it. I love you, but it is what it is. People are already packing and having their things flown out."

I hug her and rest my head on her shoulder and she rests her chin on my head. Damn, I fell crazy for this girl.

Have a good night.

You Don't Know Me [Billie Eilish AU] [✅ Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora