Chapter 27: New 🎁

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The morning sun peaked in my window. It was a new day. A bright warm day. I went downstairs to have breakfast. All the Roses were celebrating White's return with blueberry waffles. I sat down beside Eddie, who looked quite shy towards the Rose relatives. His longer hair had been trimmed to a buzz cut and his stubble was cleanly shaved. He slowly munched on a waffle. "Morning", I smiled to him. "Morning", he replied.

After breakfast my parents gathered my siblings together. "We have some good news", they said. "Our new house is ready for us!", dad happily said. I was excited to finally get out of this mansion. I would miss it's carpeted floors, large chandeliers and of course my crazy relatives, but I was ready to move on.

I packed my things and headed to the car. The new house wasn't too far. I guess I can still come here for visits. It's just on the outskirts of town. I put my packing boxes in the car. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Iren. He wore a white t shirt and jeans. His hair was neatly jelled back. "I guess we won't be neighbours anymore.", he sighed making a pouty face. "Doesn't mean we can't be friends!", I smiled. He smiled back. "I am just one white car ride away", he laughed. "I am still going to the same school, just different houses", I said.

"I know", he said, "I better go, I am going out for lunch with Eddie to get to know him better", he said. I nodded and whispered "good luck". He walked towards the door and rung the doorbell. My next set of guests were Sasha, Antonia and Lianetta. They all fretted me with smiles. "Thank you for all of your help finding Blue. You guys are my best friends!", I smiled. "That's what friends are for!", Sasha admitted. Lianetta and Antonia agreed. "Especially you Lianetta", I said turning to face her. "To be honest, I didn't really like you. But you proved me wrong by helping us, saving us and showing good character.", I smiled.

"Thank you guys for letting me in on this mystery. It's way better than watching fashion shows back in France all day.", Lianetta smiled. "Although I have to go back tomorrow, farewell. Visit me soon!", she said. "Will do!", I responded.

Later that evening after unloading a few boxes in my new home I sat on my bed. I payed down to read a book when I felt something under my back. I lifted the covers to find a book. It had a green cover and the title read: A Guide to Witchcraft and Sorcery for Teenage Girls. My mom and dad stood in the doorway giggling at me and my revelation. Then they left.

I opened the book:

Chapter 1:

Witchcraft can result in injury or damage to objects, use wisely. The first step to learning is called Quato, or the act of levitation...

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