I Have a Question?

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Reality came back into view. A single tear rolled down your cheek. Mingi wiped it away with his finger. It was probably the first decent thing he has done. You looked at Hong Joong a tear was also falling down his cheek, so you returned the favor and wiped it away.

You felt everything he felt. You cried for him. How he felt, but mostly, Jungkook was not who you thought he was. That was such a heartless act. Watching a man beg for the love of his life just for him to deny the begging man. You also got mad at Namjoon. How dare he defend such a monster.

"I'm sorry." you whispered.

He nodded, "We all have our reasons."

He turned facing the front of the car; he paused for a second turning to Mingi, "Take care of her. She is special."

You were confused by what he meant, but Mingi just hugged you harder. You don't know if it is because of the emotional roller coaster you were just riding, but his arms where comforting.

"Yeosang, take us home."


The car turned into a dark parking garage. You didn't know where you were; you had never been to this side of Seoul or at least been here long enough to remember it. They filed out of the car; Mingi grabbing your wrist and guiding you. They entered an elevator pushing the top floor. You waited silently.

The doors opened to a modern penthouse. Your mouth flew open as you looked around at all the furniture and art pieces. The floor was a white marble tile that clicked under your shoes. The men led you down a hall and pushed you into a room. Before you could ask any questions, they closed the door locking it from the outside.

The room wasn't huge, but it wasn't tiny either. One wall was all windows. They looked over all of Seoul. There was a bed in the middle of the room and a wardrobe next to the door. A single white chair sat in the corner facing the windows.

You took your shoes off and climbed in the chair staring out the window. You didn't know what to do next. Everything was so hard. You didn't want to be responsible for others harm, but you didn't want to be a pawn in a game. You were not to be played with. 

You didn't know what else to do, so you walked over to the door and knocked. You knocked and knocked. No one came until you heard a knock back. It startled you causing you to fall backwards onto the bed.

The door cracked and a face peaked into the room. It was another man; this one had a jawline for days. His features were like those of a sculpture. He smiled revealing soft dimples, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself." he teased, "and I would stop. Yunho is getting pretty mad, and if I was you, I wouldn't mess with him."

He was about to close the door, but he peeked back in, "Oh, my name is San by the way. Bye now." he shut the door running off. You sat there confused out of your mind. That was maybe the nicest vampire you ever met, even more friendly than Jimin.

Oh Jimin. Was he looking for you? Did they know you were gone? What if they can never find you? You walked back to the window looking out over the city. Millions of people living there life not knowing a girl is locked in a room in a house occupied by vampires. We live in a weird world.

A thought crossed your mind suddenly; you never heard the door re-lock. You walked to the door twisting the knob. The door opened silently.

Thank you sweet, aloof San.

You silently creep down the hallway sliding your back against the wall. You heard voices coming from the living room that you passed through when you entered the penthouse. You heard Hong Joong over the others, "Now we wait. That is all we can do, but I need you all to be on high alert and to behave yourselves. She is sweet, so if you can't control yourself don't get too close. I have assigned Mingi to be her main protector." there was a brief pause.

"What are we going to do about him?" a voice came.


"Well, I don't know if we can free him because he will tell them our location. I will think more on it and answer it soon." Hong Joong said to the voice.

"Are we going to allow her to wander around wherever she wants?" came a flustered voice.

"Woo Young, she will be as free as you and me. She is a guest not a prisoner... she just can't leave." Hong Joong said.

You wanted to ask a question. You wanted to be heard. You knew it was a bad idea to reveal yourself, but it was too late you already pushed yourself from the wall.

"I have a question?" you said stepping into the room. Everyone turned and looked at you with shock on their faces. Their faces made you no longer scared. They just looked like confused children. All of then looking so young.

"Ah, y/n," said Hong Joong waving you over to him. You approached him. All eyes on you in that moment. You stood by his side; everyone still dumbfounded except Mingi who was laughing silently on the couch.

"Everyone this is our guest, y/n." Hong Joong said. No one said anything.

"Why do you need me? Like why me specifically?" you asked Hong Joong.

"Well, that is classified for you, Sweetie." he said.

"I agreed to come peacefully-"

"Peacefully? You almost broke my nose." scoffed the man in the car.

"Well, how does it feel to get beat up by a girl then?" you shot him. Everyone broke into loud laughter, but he just glared at you.

"Oooo, she is a feisty one." Mingi clapped. He looked so innocent and soft without the mask on. When he actually wasn't trying to scare you to death, he was actually quite handsome. Well, they all were honesty.

"Like I was saying. I said I would obey your rules, so I would at least like to know why I am here." you said crossing your arms.

The man that you just embarrassed spoke up again, "Why would we tell you anything?" he scoffed.

"Well, if I am going to be used then I would at least want to know what part I play. You don't have to tell me, but I will find out whether you like it or not."

"Okay, I can't tell you everything, but just know that you are a kind of bait. We need you to barter with the others. You saw my past. I need your help." Hong Joong pleaded holding both your hands in his.

You took a second to think over the answer. Then you nodded accepting it as a reasonable response. Yes, you were bait, but if you are just going to be used to create peace then it was worth it.

You looked at the couch filled with seven men. You saw San who gave you a bright smile. You squeezed in between him and another man. The other man gave you a dirty look, but you didn't mind. This was when you realized everyone was staring at you again.

"Ugh, you guys do realize that I live with vampires. You do not scare me, so stop looking at me like that and let me relax." you announced. Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement, "We like her." they all said in unison expect the man that you almost broke his nose. He was quiet.


Hong Joong and his Coven just to show all their faces.

Hong Joong and his Coven just to show all their faces

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