Chapter 8

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Elena woke up startled. She observed her surroundings. Dark room, smelt like jasmine tea and she could hear Aunt Jenna yelling at some reality tv show. Home she thought to herself jumping out of bed. 

"Woah" she said out loud as it felt like her head and just jumped out of her head when she jumped out of her bed, but when she got out, it felt like it jumped back in. She was no fan of head jumping. 

"Agh" she said walking down stairs to see the bottom of her home. 

"Elena!" Aunt Jenna said rushing over to Elena and supporting her while she walked. "You okay dear" she smiled leading Elena to seat on the sofa.

"Just fine" Elena replied feeling her head. 

"I heard about it, what the hell has gotten into Matt?" Aunt Jenna replied facing Elena but her eyes where drawn to the tv.

"Who knows" Elena said playing around with the tips of her hair. 

"Anyway, some boy called the house asking if you were still on for the grill?" Aunt Jenna said rasing her eyebrow and knuging Elena. 

"Stefan!" Elena said crawling onto the sofa and jumping over it and rushing to the kitchen. 

Aunt Jenna smiled to herself and flicked the channel. 

"Where is the redial switch" Elena said softlty to herself, who the hell uses these phones nowadays anway! she thought to herself stunned. 

Got it. It rang forever she swore.

"Hello" said a deep husky voice with a hint of sadness in it. 

Elena sighed, "Stefan" she began.  "This is Elena" she held her breath hoping he would answer before she died of not breathing. 

"Elena" he said softly. PHEW Elena said half smiling. "How are you" he asked so modeslty. 

"I am fine don't worry about me, I'm so sorry about Matt though it was my fault" she said softly hoping Aunt Jenna wouldn't hear. 

"Don't say that, It's fine. Thankyou for being interested in me??" he started laughing questionly. 

She giggled. "I just really want to get to know you" she said sharply. 

"Agreed, except for you. If that makes sense" he said unsurely. "Can I still meet you at five?" he said quietly. 

"Agreed" she said full of enegery. 

"I will pick you up" he said with now full confidence. 

"You don't even know where I live" Elena said hoping this was a joke.

"I will find it then" he said laughing.

"Okayy, well I need to go get ready for you" she said rushing upstaris back to her room holding the phone still agaisnt her ear. 

"No need, you will look amazing no matter what you wear. Goodbye Elena" he said with with confidence. 

Elena blushed. Is he flirting with me? "Bye Stefan" she replied hanging up the phone and reaching her bedroom. She threw the phone onto her bed and statred getting ready. 

"Elena! Ste..." Aunt Jenna started but stopped. 

Elena heard remincing downstairs. 

"Stefans here to pick you up" she finshed her sentence. Elena laughed and rolled her eyes and made a quick glance in the mirror and walked gracefully down the stairs. 

Elena had her hair starightened and tied it back in a high pony tail making it look really long and glossy. She wore a plain black t shirt that showed her tanned stomach and a short baby blue  thin skirt. She wore her usual amount of make up with that little extra to make her looked dressed up. She wore her new fashion laced boots. 

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