Chapter 4: what he desires

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After shopping for her needs, the couple was now heading back. the flustered rabbit looked to him while wearing her warm (F/C) coat.
"H-how do I look?"
"Like a ravishing young lady."
She turned more flustered. "You are so kind to me.. I don't know what I can do t-"
She felt a soft familiar hand on her shoulder. "Trust's fine my darling."

She looked to him smiling and she softly held his hand.
"Umm Alastor...when you saved me.. I remember hearing you brought back the other girls that were kidnapped to the city but...why did you take care of me especially? I want to give back and you keep saying it's ok but I'm serious now. No one does anything for free."She looked into his eyes. "Tell me..what do you...what do you desire? You give me what I desire..  it's my turn." She was shaking a bit, not knowing what he would ask. What if its something criminal? I mean he was in hell for a reason. 

The radio demon smiled even more and came closer to the now rattled rabbit demon.
"You truly want to know?"
"Y-yes I'm certain."
His eyes seemed to glow a red colour as he looked in her eyes.
"The truth intrigued me.. you were different from the regular cut of the mil new comer of hell. You had a sort of light to you.. one I couldn,t find in any other. So I took a gamble and see if my hypothesis was correct about you." He took (Y/N)'s chin into his index and thumb, letting his thumb run on her pink bottom lip.
"I was correct. That light keeps shinning so brightly" He continued. "Even now while I'm with you, seeing your small smiles, those eyes sparkle,.. it's hard for me to resist from being attracted to that light."
She felt his arm press on the back to pull her closer, closing the space between them.
"So tell me (Y/N).. please allow me this one thing...It would be a great honour.. if you'd allow me this one freedom.. " he slowly went to her ear and whispered as she closed her eyes tightly. "Let me see you again."

She blushed even more as she felt a soft kiss on her cheek. It felt a bit warm. She looked to him and before thinking she nodded. Such beautiful words all for her. She wasn't used to these compliments much less coming from a demon. She knew she was lucky to meet this man and she needed him with her. If she was his light..than he'd be her darkness.
"I...I want to see you again too.."
He smiled and was about to pull her into a hug but was interrupted

"Hey radio demon!" A voice shouted. It was a rather odd but familiar man. He had the same pig like appearance as the man who attacked her yesterday.
"Y-you're..." she shook holding the red demon's hand tightly.
"I'm his brother. You took something from me.. now it's my turn to take back."
"Ahh I see.. the pigman company was run by two brothers that's true. The ones In charge of distributing young demon girls all over hell for a profit. Sad to see such initiative for such a disgusting act." The red demon smirked. "If you were with your brother that night, you wouldve simply met his fate."
"Take that back shithead. I want what's rightfully mine."
"My life? Go ahead and try." He laughed.

"Oh no.. I don't want you anymore. I want the girl!" As he said these words, the young girl shivered. The red demon smirked and laughed in a rather dark tone. She soon felt him picked her up bridal style.
"Then come and get her my dear man. But I highly doubt you could take her away from me."
The man quickly ran to him but the minute he started, Alastor began moving incredibly fast almost slithering through the shadows at the speed of sound.
"What the hell?!" The man grunted.
"Sorry. Was it too hard to catch me?"
"This can't be right..."

The red demon finally showed a face that looked somber. "I suggest you stay away if you know what is good for you. Your brother committed a terrible act and for that, he paid the price. Now I have no obligations killing you since my contractor only asked for your brother's head. But if I have to kill another, I wouldn't mind dirtying my hands once more."
The man looked to him in confusion. "Why the hell is this girl meaning this much to you? Just give her and I'll-"
At those words Alastor immediately went to the man, right in his face.
"Unlike you.. she will be safe.. It would be a shame if a certain demon got in my way and ended his life far too soon in hell. Because this one is mine. Now if you'll excuse my dear pig like man, I need to get this young lady home."

The brother shivered and quickly fell to his knees. The young woman shivered a bit still but soon felt warm in his arms feeling herself rest a bit in his arms. She never felt so protected and safe. He truly cared for such a soul like hers. Even in life she feared every jind action that one does. Because no one does anything for free. They will always want something in return. But from Alastor, she thinks what he really wanted was someone by her side... was that really it?

The red demon smiled and walked still with her in his arms.
"So are you perhaps a little hungry?"
No response. He looked to see a sleeping innocent soul in his arms. He was glad. Out of all the sinners in this hell, she was the one that caught him off guard the most. Not out of power, fear or anything of the sorts. Just a tender soul who's been wrongfully placed in hell. And now she was sleeping peacefully in his arms defenceless and ready to be taken. He smiled softly and pressed a kiss on her head. "Let's get you darling. I will make sure you are fed once you wake up."

A familiar pig like man shivered in front of a man hidden in the shadows of the streets.
"I'm so sorry boss. Please don't worry. We will get you that girl I promise."
A loud voice echoed. "She better! She'll be the perfect girl for my entourage." A man peaked out of the shadows, his appearance had a striking resemblance to a true demon with his beast like horns. Same as those of a goat. The pig man shook. "I...I promise she'll be yours..."

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