Chapter 5: A quiet night

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As she slept, she hung on to her partner's jacket, wanting to hang on to him as much as possible. But she soon felt him slowly place her down into a soft warm bed. The man slowly placed her head onto the soft pillow and pulled the warm blanket on her body. She slowly opened her eyes, half asleep still looking around to the new room around her. This wasn't the hotel room. It was an entirely different room. It had a victorian like style to it with its repeating pattern on the red walls and the elegant windows.


"Good evening my dear.. You feel asleep while we were walking back. Are you still sleepy? your eyes look like they are begging for more sleep." He chuckled a bit as he softly pet her head.

"A little bit...but i'm more hungry than anything else...where are we?"

"My house. It was closer and I thought it would be a good opportunity to see it." he chuckled. "Of course we can go back to the hotel if you prefer that room."

"no no it's fine..." she blushed at his response. His place? it looked so elegant already from what she saw. She felt like she wouldn't be able to fit in such a decor.

The red demon gently kissed her head and smiled. "Do you want to sleep a little bit longer?"

She shyly shook her head. "no no I wanna help cook. I can help." she said gently getting up.

He didn't take too long before he took her hand carefully as though her hand was as fragile as fine porcelain. "As you wish my dear..."

He began slowly leading her out of her room and guiding her on the gorgeous stairs. Some thing out of a victorian love story.

"Is it ok if i asked you a few questions?"

"of course what's on your mind my dear?"

"I feel.. so lucky that i met you...even in hell, a man like you exist and helped me."

"honey,..just like many other demons I've done some wrongs in life." he smirked

"you have a point but even then you are so kind."

The demon kept holding her hand softly "Tell me...did you enjoy your day?"

"I did...hell does hold beauty there..." she gently squeezed his hand. "and i'm glad i got to see it with you."

The man smiled and softly pet her head.

"How about linguini carbonara for supper?"

"Linguini carbona?" she perked up, ears all the way up.

"a favourite i presume?"

"Yes absolutely. That was one of my favourite meals back in the day."

"Well shall we?"

"Ok but I'm helping."

After cooking together and finishing eating, The two were now resting on a victorian like couch, enjoying the warm fire in the fireplace. (Y/N) was full like an egg and gently snuggled into alastor's chest, gently relaxing. Alastor smiled softly and looked down to the girl who was now asleep in his arms.

"Well well..someone enjoyed her meal it seems." he gently pet her head softly and slowly. He wondered how she got into hell. A woman like her seemed so out of place in hell. And yet here she was. The demon pulled her a bit closer, picking her up bridal style and taking her back upstairs to the guest room. He made sure she was comfortable, tucking her in, gently petting her head etc.

He gently laid by her side, watching over her curiously. "(Y/N)... you are such a strange girl...I cant wait to know more about you and how you shine even in this hell..." he took her in his arms, feeling the urge to kiss her soft pink lips but instead resisted enough to kiss her forehead. "soon enough...I'll claim those lips as mine..." he pulled her closer and fell asleep.

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