Chapter 7: No more

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Days went by after she told alastor her story. She expected that her days would feel much more peaceful now that she let out all her backstory to the man but instead, a different emotion took over. Her heart had begun to beat faster whenever the man would walk in the same room as her. A tightening feeling that she couldn't get rid of unless she hid away in her room. This feeling was so unknown to her and she couldn't handle such emotions. She tried to ignore those loud thumps coming from her chest, hide away the awkward feeling of trying to speak only to feel her heart lump into her throat but it was no use. It was evident that the emotion she felt could not be hidden and Alastor knew it all too well.

His smile seemed to grow a bit larger every time she passed him by. When her eyes avoided his, when her body would shiver, even when her words were getting stuck in her throat. All of this pleased him greatly and enjoyed to tease her every chance he could. But he wondered when the young maiden would let out her emotions but that day..was not the one.

The day was supposed to be a usual Tuesday. (Y/N) was buying a few items for the night. She wanted to cook for him and do her best to reveal her true feelings. It was time to tell him how she felt. But she still feared that the man might push her away. She reassured herself before continuing her walk through the market.

Many demons gathered here, for drugs, clothes food etc. She luckily managed to hide her big ears under a hat in order to not gain too much attention. She went and bought a few ingredients, tomatoes, parmesan, creme etc. As soon as she finished, She smiled softly walking back to his home. But thats when she felt something deep down. One of those terrifying thoughts that her head would tell her, sending shivers down her spine.

"You're being followed."

She turned around, seeing the ocean of people. It would be impossible for her to see who would follow her. But if she snuck out one of her ears, maybe she could hear them better. As she slowly pulled out one ear, she tried to concentrate and listen but now she could hear all that was happening. But soon one voice resonated.

"there she is."

She soon looked to the direction of the voice and a man was quickly run after her. She recognized him...the pigman's brother..The woman felt panic, knowing full well this horrible fear of running away from danger. She freaked out, ran as fast as she could away from that man. she tried to get attention from people around them but none of them seemed interested in helping. Almost as though a scene like this was typical in the market.

Soon enough, she bumped into the chest of another man. Her eyes raised to see the horns of a goat.
"sir please h-"

Thats when she felt a sharp pain in her neck. A syringe... The world went dark and all she could do was fall into the man's awaiting arms.

Darkness soon lifted, her head spinning in all kinds of directions. The drug she was injected with must of still be in her system. Where she laid, she could feel the rumble of a car, driving at top speeds. she looked to see herself laying in the backseat of the vehicle, Her arms and legs were tied to the seat, leaving her in a vulnerable position, unable to kick the window or reach out to anyone outside for help. Her eyes darted to the driver seat where she recognized the two men. The ones she saw before passing out. Their attention was focused on the road and the pig like man looked worried.

"L-look I...I don't think we should do this?"
"don't you back out! You've gone so far and now you wanna back out?!"
"We-We might get killed out here! that...That demon...he's gonna find out that his bitch is gone...He's gonna kill me..."

"Listen, this girl is one of a kind and there's no way I'm letting this asshole keep her. It will be the best way to show that I'm the strongest here. This woman will be mine."

(Y/N) looked to her ropes, seeing that they were loosely attached to her. It seems like they were in a hurry to get her in the car and run. She slowly slithered out her hands from the rope, trying hard not to be spotted or to fall back into unconsciousness. Finally free, she slowly manages to break free from her ropes but now how to get out of the car?

Thats when she felt the car quickly shift to the right, hitting her head on the side of the car.
"look sir I....we gotta be careful.."
"we have to hurry! we dont have a choice. If you are gonna be such a n-"

The two looked behind seeing something in the window in the back. The colour slowly disappeared from their faces as they looked, not even looking at the girl in the backseat. The two jumped hearing the distortion from the radio and a familiar voice soon appeared.

"Hello gentlemen...I see you have a certain someone in your backseat. Now...If you give her back, ill be more than happy to spare your lives. If not, then I'll have to use force. Make your choice."

The mean shivered and looked to each other, discussing what to do but (Y/N) felt something inside her. Some hope true...but something else...rage...anger...the fact that she had to be taken once more...that she had to be a victim.. no more. As she felt her feet free themselves, she slowly lifted her hand to the car door, slowly unlocking it. With a soft click, the door was unlocked. Easy enough but now came the hard part. She needed to leave this place without causing much alarm. But since they were too focused on escaping Alastor and whatever was behind them, it was a safe bet that she wouldn't be in big danger. She wished she could use the rope to strangle one of them but she knew in her condition she couldn't hold up in a fight.

She kept repeating the plan in her head over and over. She was ready. No one could stop her now... She quickly opened the door. Everything seemed to slow down as she dragged herself out of the car and into the speedy road outside, but then, one of the men held on to her foot. The pigman... She shivered and mustered as much of her strength to place her other feet onto his head and using him as to propel herself out of his grasp and into the steet. As she did her foot seemed to hit him extremely hard as she could see him bleeding. She was surprised but soon her thoughts were brought back to reality. she rolled out feeling the rough feeling of the pavement on her skin. It was better this than being stuck in the car she thought but now she had to worry on where she was or where she'd land.

As she slowly stopped rolling, she laid into the street, feeling the dizziness take over. She could finally see what they were being chased by and where she was. She could see dears..or more like the shadow forms of deers heading towards the car and around her, gently nudging her with their noses. She could see dark clouds forming around her, hearing people panicking around her and the many sounds of honking. It seemed like the deers have caused traffic jams all over. She could see the metal rods of a bridge over her head. It seemed as though they were trying to get out of the city with her.

As her senses were slowly fading, the deers slowly made space leading Alastor to her. He gently kneeled down to her and picked her up from the ground, into his warm arms.

"Hello my dear..." he gently pushed away the hair from her face.
" came to save me.."
"Of course I did. I was getting worried about you since you were taking a while. So i found you being placed in a car by these men." he gently got up with her in his arms. "Im so glad you managed to wake up and get out of the car."
She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. "Alastor...I....I love you...."

His eyes seemed to widened a bit but soon became more relaxed as if to say "she finally said it." He gently kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"My dear (Y/N)... " the rest of Alastor's words became mumbled as she drifted into unconsciousness and passed out in his arms.

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