1: Rain

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In a class full of students

there sits a girl in the corner

hiding fully from your sight

like a shadow in a moonless night

She thinks she's invisible

and thats how they treat her

nobody cares about the 'shadow-queen'

O, this world is plain mean

No one seems to know but,

she has a secret admirer

One who sits beside her in history

and finds her to be a baffling piece of mystery

A miracle took place one day,

she noticed him

and looked up from her folder

but like everyday, didn't gave him the cold shoulder

Instead, she offered a weak smile

making his heart race like,

it had ran a mile

Extending forward a hand "Hi, I'm Rain", she said, shyly

He shook it, as tingles shot up his arm, "Sean" he said in a haze

"I know" she whispered, shaking him from the daze

She knew his name

That alone made his day

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