3: Rain hates Rain

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"Miss Saulot?" Mrs Cohen asked

Holding up an essay in one hand

Sean's head shot up from,

Where he was fidgeting with his wrist band

He searched the room

Not catching sight of Rain
Shedidn'tcame, he thought
So why is the teacher calling her name?

"She's not here today" Some girl said

Disappointment shadowed Mrs Cohen's face

"Well, in that case, can anyone give this to her?"

Sean decided to volunteer

And when he read it,

A crack formed on Rain's veneer

It wasn't some essay, it was poetry:

Rain hates Rain

At last winter arrived,
The atmosphere turned lively,
Even for the deprived.

It was like happiness knocked on their doors
Although they wanted more
People were in a bliss
As peace shadowed over the land

But happiness never lasts long,
It ends, just like every song

A white blanket of snow enveloped the ground,
That's when Rain decided to come around
And with it, everything drowned

Rain killed the Snow
Down the drain it flow

The faces once creased with cheerful grins were now grim
The eyes once held joy and laughter,
While they waited for the Rain
Were now filled with pity, hatered, anger and numbness

From that day,
Rain was never loved,
Everywhere she saw, was hate
Abandoned by her mates
For her, closed were all the gates
But all she did was wait
Waited for the rift to fade

But karma is a merciless bitch, ever heard of that?

Snapped she did, one day
Nothing had changed

Its said 'Time heal all wounds',
But some wounds are just too deep.

Knowing the misery won't pass,
She picked a shard of glass
And placed it next to her vein
But couldn't slit it
She was just too vain.

Since that day, Rain hated Rain

But today,..its snowing...

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