4: And she speaks

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-Next day at lunch-

He saw her from afar

considering her every move

The flick of her eyes

as they wandered the room

The fear in them

like it was near, her doom

Mustering up his confidence

He walked up to her

their eye contact was brief

fear was now replaced with grief

"So, you write poetry, huh?"

He pushed the poetry infront of her

Hands fisted, her face turned red

He braced himself, certain,

he was going to end up dead

But she shoved the paper in her bag

and invited him to take a seat

by kicking some random chair

with her feet

Amusement etched his features

he flopped on the chair with a thump

Immediately, she felt something

in her throat. A lump?

Unknowingly, she gazed into his stormy, mysterious grey orbs

Leaning forward, he asked huskily,

"Like what you see?"

She flushed and squirmed

as if stung by a bee

"You look cute when you blush"

He complimented with a glint in his eye,

"Thanks" She replied

Not sure, if it wasn't a lie

"And she speaks!" He announced

while throwing his hands in the air

Students looked at them weirdly,

Why do they even care?


With a goofy grin

She trotted towards history

Sensing Sean to her left

She started feeling jittery

Sean strolled , with

A hand in his pocket

The other,

Fidling with his locket

-standing outside the class-

Rain raised an eyebrow

Urging him to spill it

"Are you free Friday night?"

See, told ya she does not bite

"I was wondering if you'd like-"

He started again

"Yes, yeah, I'll go"

She interfered before he could explain

She realised her mistake

Once hearing his chuckle,

She tried hard not to be embarrased

But it was still a struggle

"Alright. How about 7pm?"

She nodded, not trusting her voice

He trudged inside after throwing her a wink

Her cheeks turned a dark hue of pink

That's when everything hit her;

Did she just agreed to go on a date to God-Knows-Where, with the guy she knows nothing of, except his name?

God, she's hopeless

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