5: Run for the hills

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The color was prickly, bright

It stung her eyes

Came rushing, the memories of

The little white lies

It reminded her of Snow

The way they had fought for the

Ice blue dress with the immaculate flow,

Though not to forget the uncomfortable

Neck-line that was way too low

Turning away from the window

Rain looked across her room,

Past the haunting night shadows

And the terrifying quietness that always seemed to loom

Ruffled clothes dumped on the wooden floor

Dust covered twin bed, unmade

The imprints were still visible

Where she once laid

                                                                                                                                 She smiled at the memory of when

They were seven

She had dumped a bucket of water

On Snow, when she refused to wake up

So in return, Snow had smashed a cup on Rain's head

Yup, a cup

Rain chuckled sadly,

Absently stroking the scar on her forehead

Wishing for just seeing her sister one last time

To beg her to take away the burden and the feeling of dread

To plead her to forgive her

She looked across the room again,

Towards the constant reminder

That she had no one

But, there –

Don't go there, she scolded herself

Because not giving her heart false hope

Was only fair

Not to mention, when he finds out how much of a walking disaster she was, he'll go running for the hills.

All she does now is wait

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