0.0 Prologue

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5 Year Old Darcy

I sat down in a chair right outside my room. I had to wait for Mrs. Lia to come get me. Today was the day. I was getting adopted. After being here for about a year, I get to go to a new home. I still remember my real parents though.

My mom's name was Addison and my dad's name was Michael. They loved each other a lot. They didn't really love me though. I was always left alone. No one really looked after me. I kind of had to grow up fast to take care of myself. But I remember the day I got taken to the adoption center. My parents have never been gone for more then a full day. One time, they were gone for 3 days. On the third day, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see 2 policemen standing there. They told me my parents was taken to jail and I had to go with them. I listen but I never knew what they did. I still don't know. Don't you need a reason to go to jail?

I frowned at my memory. Why did they leave me alone all the time? Maybe that's the reason they went to jail. I realized I forgot my bag in my room so I stood up and opened my door. I took a deep breath as I look around the empty room. There was only a small bed and my purple Disney Princess backpack. My stuffed lion sat on top of my bag.

I slowly walked over to the bag and picked up Mack, my lion.

"I get a real home today, Mack. We do. Me and you. Together." I smiled at the lion.

"You ready, Darcy?" A voice said behind me. I turned around to see Mrs. Lia standing at the doorway.

"Yup!" I smiled picking up my bag. I ran over to her and took her hand. We walked down the hall and downstairs. When we walked into the main room, which had a couch, a tv and the front doors, I started to feel nervous. What if I don't like them? What if they leave me?

"Here she is!" Mrs. Lia said to the two men sitting on the couch. One of the men had dark brown curly hair and the other one had lighter brown hair. They stood up as soon as they saw me.

"Hi Darcy." The curly hair one said first. "I'm Harry. Harry Tomlinson."

The other one smiled. "And I'm Louis." I gave a small smile back but my shyness over took me and I hid a little behind Mrs. Lia's legs.

"It's okay, Darcy." Mrs. Lia crouched down so she was my height. "Harry and Louis are your dads now."

I looked at Mrs. Lia then at the men. I slowly wandered over to them. "Hello." I said quietly.

The one named Harry smiled. "Hi."

"So you're my family now?" I asked.

"Yup. Me, Harry and 3 uncles who are waiting at home." Louis said.

"3 uncles?" I stared at them.

"Yup. Uncle Niall, Uncle Zayn and Uncle Liam." Harry nodded.

"Wow." Is all I said.

"You wanna meet them?" Louis giggled. I nodded. "Alright. You go say goodbye and we can get going."

My blond hair flew off my shoulders as I ran over to Mrs. Lia and gave her a huge hug.

"Bye Darcy." She said hugging me back.

"Bye Bye. Mrs. Lia. Thank you for being there for me." I smiled at her.

"You are very welcome. Now you better go. You're new family is waiting for you." Mrs. Lia gave me a nod and smiled. I turned and looked at my new dads. They were smiling so big. I could tell they liked me. My first family that liked me. I ran back over and hugged Harry's legs. He cruched down and hugged me back. I felt Louis crouch down and hugged me from behind.

I finally had a family.

And a great one too.



Gosh! Writing from a 5-year olds point of view is hard. Darcy's adorable though. :)

Hope you enjoyed that.

QUESTION! (I'll put one at the end of each chapter!)

Are you going to contiune reading the book?

For more Larry Stylinson, Check out my other short story on my profile, On The Sidewalk Bleeding.

Love ya! :)


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