5.0 Shopping and Beards

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I woke up the next morning to Matthew shaking me awake. "Darcy!" He whispered. "We're going shopping for school stuff today!" 

I open my eyes to see my brother standing beside my bed. "I don't wanna go shopping!" I rolled back over.

"Father's orders." He metioned before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Uhhh." I climbed out of bed. I hated shopping with a passion which is not normal for girls my age. I quickly had a short shower and got changed. I smelt pankcakes and knew Dad Harry was in the kitchen. I ran downstairs and saw the counters were a mess. "What the hell happened?"

Dad Harry turned around and smiled. "Louis wanted to help." I giggled. "Oh and don't eat the cakes by the sink."


"Louis made them. Let's just say they're black." He turned back the pan he was using to cook. I walked over to the plate of pancakes and picked one up. Not only was it black but it was hard as rock.

"He can cook but when it comes to pancakes, everything goes downhill." Dad Harry shook his head, laughing.

I smiled, taking the plate of pancakes from the island and bringing them to the dining room.


After breakfast and all our uncles arrived, we piled into the van to head to the mall. It was a short drive but the entire way there it was noisy. As soon as we pulled in, I hopped out of the van. 

"Alright. Everyone older than 18 is shopping for supplies while everyone else is looking at clothing!" Uncle Liam explained. "One outfit per children."

"One outfit includes a pair of pants, a shirt and a accessory." Dad Louis contuined. "Want anything more? Coming out of your pocket."

"You're so gay." Connor rolled his eyes.

"Why?" I looked at him. 

"He said accessory like a girl." 

"Quick news flash for yea, Connor. I am in fact gay. That's why I'm married to your father." He smirked. I let out a small laugh.

"Alrighty then. Everyone inside and head to your stores." Dad Harry changed the subject. "Oh wait!" He handed my brothers and I 100 pounds each. "For the clothing. As Louis said, anything more, your paying for it." We all nodded and headed into the mall.


I went my own way as soon as we entered to the mall. I was smart and didn't spend my money lsat time we went to the mall. So I was able to go my favourite store and over-priced, Banana Republic. As soon as I entered, I went straight over to the jeans area. I'm one for jeans. I don't know why though.

I scanned through the selection of pants, trying to find the right pair. They were all pretty much the same execpt for the colors. After about 5 minutes of looking, my eyes landed on a nice pair of black skinnys. I grabbed them as soon as I saw them. 

Now the hard part. Shirts. They were everywhere in the store. I didn't know where to even start. So I just wandered. It wasn't until 20 minutes later, I actually found a few tops I liked. I figured out I had enough to get all 3 tops I wanted so I headed over to the front desk.

I placed items on the counter and pulled out my wallet. 

"Hello there. Find everything you were looking for?" The lady asked politely. 

"Yup. Thank you." I smiled as I looked up from my money.

"Hey. Aren't you Darcy Tomlinson?" The lady asked.

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