3.0 Fears

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What did I just say? I can't believe I said what I just said. If it wasn't for them, I probably still be at the adoption center. I own my life to them.

I stared at the picture that was sitting on my bedside table. It was a picture of my family. My dads, my uncles, my brothers and of course me. That was he day we went to DisneyWorld. I was about 8 and my brothers were 7.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I met Snow White and Peter Pan that day. Peter and I came up with a secret handshake. And my dads stood there laughing and video taping it. I think we still have the video.

And I was just tall enough to go on Splash Mountain so Daddy Louis took me on. I shut my eyes the entire time but yet something in my made me go on it 3 more times.

But I remember the worse two memories that trip had. The first one when we were watching the fireworks, a bunch of One Direction fans crowded around My dads and my uncles. I got so scared. I've never seen that many people in my life at one time. Of course, Uncle Liam picked me up while my dads held Connor and Matthew so we won't get lost. I'm used to the crowds now but it was scary at the time.

But I think the second experience ruined the whole being famous thing for me. It was the last day in Florida and we were heading to the airport. But of course we were spotted by paparazzi. They flooded us with questions. I lost the entire family at one point and was surrounded by cameras and people. They asked me different questions that I can't remember except for one.

What is it like having gay parents?

Of course being 8, I didn't understand the gay part of the questions. So I simply answered, They're my dads. By that time, Uncle Zayn pushed passed the people and pulled me towards my family.

To this day, that question haunts me. That's way I can't go to school. I don't want to be judged or treated differently.

I'm already fed up people surrounding me in malls or on the streets. I can't do anything anymore.

I don't want school to make it worse.

"Love?" Dad Louis knocked on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Can I come in?"

"Yea." My voice cracked. I didn't realize the tears streaming down my face.

The door opened a bit and Dad Louis stepped in, shutting the door behind him. He soon looked up and saw the tears. "Oh Darcy." He walked over and pulled me into a hug.

I suddenly started the sod in his shirts. "I- I- I'm s-s-sorry." I said through the tears.

"Hey. Its okay. If anything we should be sorry. We did put the news on pretty fast." He rubbed my back, pulling me over to my bed. He sat down then sat my in his lap.

I continue to sod in his stripped shirt. I begin to try and get some words out. "No. Its fine. The news. Its- its... the- the..."

"The fame." Dad Louis finishes for me. I nodded with a few sniffles, trying to stop crying. "I know its hard. But you know what? It is what it is."

I pulled my fave away from his shoulder. "You're horrible at making people feel better."

He laughed. "I know. I was going tell Harry to but he had tears in his eyes so I thought it would be better if I did it. Just so there isn't two people in tears."

"I made him cry!?" My eyes go wide.

"No. Not really. I think he was just shocked." Dad Louis calms me down.

"Oh." I looked down the my feet.

"I promise I'll help you through everything okay?" He said, whipping my left over tears.

"Okay." I managed a smile. Dad Louis leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"You're strong Darcy. I know you can make it through this."

I knew different in my head.




So there you go people... More about Darcy's past. It really haunts her.

I can't really imagine Louis comforting his teenage daughter... That's kind of a scary thought to be honest.

It was fun to write though.

Oh and the picture on the side is Niall, Harry and Louis (in the back) in a Florida airport. Just thought it was fittingish....

There's no stupid photos of all 5 of them in Disneyworld


Do you think Darcy will do good in school though?

Till next time!

Kaitlyn :*

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