2.0 The News

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"Mash Potatoes!" Dad Harry sang as he placed a plate of it on the table.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Dad Lou smirked placing some food on his plate. Daddy Harry stuck out his tongue at him. "Hey! Save that for later!" Dad Louis continued to smirk.

"Ewwww!" My brothers and I screamed at the same time. Dad Louis just laughed.

After a long silence, well besides the munching and scooping, I decided to speak up. "So just what I say today?"

"What?" Dad Harry looked up from his plate.

"Well I was on YouTube and I was watching old videos of you guys." I placed my fork on the table.

"Really? What did you see?" Uncle Liam asked looking very concerned.

"Nothing bad. Don't worry." I gave a small smile in his direction. "But I did see one of your guys old video diaries."

Suddenly, Uncle Niall choked a little on his food. "You did?!" He managed to get out.

"Yup. And it was very interesting on what I found." I smiled.

"Was it the one where Louis was pretending to superman?" Uncle Zayn laughed.

"Hey!" Dad Louis slammed his fork down. "I wasn't pretending. I am superman."

I let out a small laugh. "I didn't see that one but I might go watch that on now." I shook my head at my family. "But I did see the one where Dad Louis said he would marry Harry because it rhymes."

Then Dad Harry chocked on his food while everyone else's jaws dropped.

"Y-you saw that!?" Dad Harry asked. "I forgot about that day."

Dad Louis smiled. "I remember. That was a good day."

"Foreshadowing the future much." Matthew smiled.

"Hey! I didn't know I was really going to marry him!" Dad Louis laughed. "And as for Darcy, I'm blocking YouTube off your laptop."

"Oh come!" I threw my arms in the air laughing.

"I'm joking. Well unless I already did it!" Dad Louis smirked. I stuck out my tongue.

Uncle Liam sighed. "Okay. I think we should move on to something important." He looked at Dad Louis and Dad Harry like he was giving them a hint to tell us something.

Dad Harry nodded. "Right. So Connor. Matthew. Darcy. We have some news."

"What is it?" Connor asked taking a bite of his chicken.

"Well ummm... Louis?" Dad Harry started to stutter.

"We're putting you guys in school!" Dad Louis smiled.

Now it was my turn to choke. "What!?" I yelled.

"Quiet down, Darcy." Dad Harry looked at me.

"No I agree with her. Why!? We're perfectly okay being homeschooled." Connor pointed out.

"We know but I think its time to you guys get a real education." Uncles Liam spoke up.

"And maybe some friends that aren't famous." Uncle Zayn shrugged.

"Well its not my fault I was adopted into One Direction." I muttered. I can't believe I just said that. Everyone turned at looked at me. Even my brothers. I loved my family. I just I was mad and its kind of hard being famous. I don't know.

"I-i..." I couldn't get what I wanted to say out. It was in my head but the words couldn't come out. "Please excuse me." I said in a small voice. I grabbed my plate and walked into the kitchen, leaving my plate there before running upstairs to my bedroom.



A small update.

You'll find out how Darcy feels about being famous in the next chapter.

I feel kind of bad for her though.

Oh well...

But I tried to add a few Larry Stylinson proof kind of thinks in. Like the video diary... I loved those videos...

And did you see Steal My Girl's video!!!! Love it! I hope we break the record... No one is giving my straight answers!!!

Well that's all for now.

Kaitlyn :*

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