nightmare x killer

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So to start out I was lowkey excited to write this one this one is to RadarTheFennecFox I hope you love it hahaha my writing sucks but me love MY SIN. So yadda yadda yadda SHUT UP WILL YA ME THERE HERE FOR THE STORY XD nightmare will be in BOLD
and killer will be in ITALICS I hope you all enjoy I FECKEN LOVED WRITING THIS ONLY BECAUSE ITS LIKE MY SECOND FAVORITE SHIP. But anyway enjoy my BEAUTIFUL sinners ! I love you all!! MAMMA BLUE OUT!~))

Nightmares POV
As I was walking throughout my castle I heard someone in distress I smirked as I felt and started to feed on those negative emotions as I walk into the dining room I  see killer with underswap sans here, I looked at killer as he looked back he turned away and I think blushed a bit. I shrugged it off and spoke to him with a stern voice " were did this asshole come from." He jumped and stood up straight and spoke proudly "I caught him trying to sneak around to see if he could get any information about our plans n-nightmare." Blue looked at me scared and shook his head quickly and spoke with a frightened look on his face " N-no! That's n-not why i-im here!! I w-was jumping t-through portals w-with dream a-and I accidentally c-came here! P-please I have n-no intentions to spy o-on yo-you!.." killer looked at me as I rolled my eyes and turned to killer and said " let him go, hes to annoying to keep here, plus I cant stand being in such a pitiful presence. " killer nodded and opened a portal and threw him in and then closed it. He smiled at me and started to walk away I went to grab his shoulder but I turned and walked away and went to dust and sat down and sighed " what the fucks your issue nightmare. " "Nothing now shut it."

3rd person POV
Dust looked nightmare up and down then poked his arm nightmare looked at him with death in his eyes, dust just laughed and walked away " FUCKEN SQUIDS IN LOVE GUYS " he said cackling into his room. It took .5 seconds for error , horror, cross and killer to rush down to hear the tea . "Who is it?!"yelled error " spill the fucken tea nightmare!!" Horror shouted in nightmares face . Killer just smiled sadly and walked away back to his room, the other 3 looked at him as cross blew him up with questions . Nightmare looked at killer walking away but didnt have time to call for him.  Nightmare looked at the other three pissed and grabbed their necks with his slimy tentacles choking them "OK WERE SORRY!!!!!! " they all choked out nightmare threw em to the ground and teleported to the tree of life and plucked a dark apple off and ate it, he smirked as he felt the dark magic entered his body, but looked around feeling like something bad was happening but he shrugged it off and plucked another apple and ate it smirking more.
                    ~with killer~
killer walked up and down the halls thinking about who nightmare could love besides him all he ever did was try to get his attention and make him happy with his actions by catching the stupid star sanses and killing the ones who tried to hurt him . Killer shot his head up and he smiled an insane smile he spoke to himself "I ..i can just kill whoever nightmare loves so he can love me ! " he laughed and then thought about his plan for a minute he thought 'but that might not work if he loves them then he'll just hate me ..'  killer sighed and just walked into nightmares room . He smiled as it smelled like nightmare he took one of his pillows knowing that night will just blame it on dust or error who took it as he walked outta the room he heard cackling from horror. Killer froze and stared at him . "Wait till the guys here about this including NIGHTMARE.  Stealing his pillows !  Sneaking into his room! Your like the crazy stalker  in the castle! Do you do that to everyone? Boy this is good !" Horror laughed hard rolling on the floor killer pulled his knife out and pushed it against horrors neck , horror only found it funnier that killer would try and kill him "whatcha gunna do kill me ? Huh?! What would you tell the others they would notice me missing! You cant do shit even if you wanted to ."  Killer thought about it for a moment before snapping back into reality as horror had killer pinned and his axe at killers neck . Killer gulped and shut his eyes tight as he was ready for horror to kill him . Horror only tsked and shoved his axe closer to killers neck as killer whimpered " your so fucken weak . Your an embarrassment to this team. Cant even defend yourself  tsk no wonder no one wants or will ever want you. " nightmare stood behind horror and coughed loudly.  Horror stood up and faced nightmare as killer got up and ran to his bed room crying .  " so horror like to explain why you did that to killer? Or should I just kill you for hurting one of MY strongest crew members.  After that little show I say your the weakest one of us all ." With that nightmare looked at horror and shoved him into the wall and left before horror could say anything. 

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