
1.2K 17 32

Guys literally I am absolutely speachless..
My book has come so far 100k reads you all insane why do you even read this book- its absolutely terrible XD
Im so thankful for you all like you have no idea I never imagined my book much less a lemon to come this far!! It really just makes me so happy to know that you all enjoy my writing! When I logged on to wattpad to work on my story I had to take a double look because when I last checked I had like 78k and I know I dont thank you guys enough or show my appreciation but I really really appreciate you and love you all!!
So I have a surprise for you all!
(I sat here waiting for someone to go "what is its!" Like an idiot)

I made


Keep going

Drum roll please


I made a discord for my book! On there you can request things! Give me some constructive criticism ! Make new friends!! Share your art!! And maybe you can play among us with me!!
I have my discord set up but in order for you to join you gotta go to my board on my page click the link and join it ! My discord name is Goth7606 so dont be confused
My pfp is Dream lol but my discord looks like my pfp on here and is named
Undertale Lemons 🍋 
I have rules and stuff already up on my discord!
So please join! Im begging of ya! It'll be so much fun!
I dont think links work here-


I'll update this link on my board ! But thats all I have for now!! Love you all so much ! Have a great day/night!!
Mamma Blue out!!
I'll see you on my discord!

Undertale lemons Where stories live. Discover now