red x swap!papyrus

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That's it I'm done I'm officially gunna hang myself. You were to think outta my 3000 pics of undertale shit I would have to have a pic of paps and fell together. Well guess I was wrong I took 10 minutes outta my time writing this story trying to find a cute fluff pic but no all I have is sin, sin ,more sin * looks under the rug* oh Wait ! Shit nope,  more sin. I'm sorry to the person who requested this I wasnt to sure if you wanted sin or fluff- so I took the advantage to write a fluff instead of skeleton sex XD I feel like this was the perfect opportunity for me to practice my writing quote on quote "skills". But hey! This bish is getting better at publishing my story's slower. But anyway I'm sorry for the long long long delay with my other story I published I hope you enjoy this story !
       Mama blue out!~))

3rd person POV 
Red was walking home from his stand while drinking some mustard, in the freezing cold . He walked a slow and steady pace debating on to use his short cut or keep walking. He smiled and looked at his house in the distance, he started running trying to reach the door but he wasnt getting any closer , he tried running faster and harder but it seemed like he was getting farther away. All of a sudden he was in a black hole nothing surrounding him except black, his papyrus appeared and started yelling at him and started beating him . Red started crying , he thought it would never end everytime his brother kicked him he could feel himself fading away more and more until he saw his lover come to his rescue, but his papyrus and his lover were fighting and the love of his life was loosing. Red got up and snapped as his gaster blaster appeared and shot at papyrus,  red ran to carrot and hugged him tightly but as red was tightly in carrots embrace he felt a bone go through him he looked down and started to cry as carrot was in to much shock to even realize what was going on he felt himself staring to dust as red looked at his lover , blueberry's pap, or carrot crying..
End of dream
Red shot awake huffing with a cold sweat he looked over to see his lover there next to him he got up and went to the restroom to wash his face .

Reds POV
As I went to the bathroom I thought about my whole dream, I wondered what it meant what it was supposed to symbolize.  Was I thinking of how I used to be treated with my brother? Or was I scared I was gunna loose pap , it could be both I told myself. I went back to the room to see pap not there no more , so I went to find him "babe?.." I yelled but no answer "come on pap you know how I get when you try to scare me !"  I heard rustling in the kitchen and the living room. I checked the time and it was 7 at night, me and pap must've slept through the whole day.  As I walked it was darker then usual and of course only me trips down the stairs,  paps must've heard as I grunted and groaned in pain. I felt him pick me up and go back to the room to put me on the bed " you should really be more careful you clumsy  skeleton,  you should know all you have to do is call and wait all always be here for you , you know that red "  pap said "yes but I called and you didnt come you know how I get-"" yes I know how you get, that's why I'll always be here "  he said as he kissed me, I hugged him and smiled softly "thank you pap, for everything "  he smiled as he turned on a few lights , "I'll be downstairs if you need me, I'll come and get you in a bit alright, you go back to sleep" he said as he smiled and walked away.  I swooned over him and melted into the sheets thinking of him and how he could love someone like me , I smiled and drifted into a light sleep. It felt like hours but it was only awhile after I dozed off .

Papyrus pov

As you can tell yes I'm stressed , today is our anniversary and I wanted to do something special so I'm making a fancy romantic dinner date, I sighed and continued making the dinner I could hear sans snoring so that's good he earns all the rest he can get. As my food finished cooking I scattered rose petals on the floor and lit candles around the kitchen , by the time I was done so was my cuisine,"  im sure he'll love it " I thought to myself.  I smiled and walked back up to his room , I kissed him on the cheek "wake up sleepy head ~I'm gunna blindfold you alright?" "O-ok.. but where are we going?" He asked in a cute little meek voice " just to the kitchen " hes so cute I thought as I tied a bandana around his eyes.

3rd person POV

They walked down the hallway , then the stairs then they finally made it to the kitchen,  papyrus uncovered reds eyes . Red looked around and then at papyrus,  red was confused and dazzled with this romantic jester that he had no words all he could was cry . Papyrus held him in his arms and kissed him all over the face "does that me you like it?" Red giggled and looked at his lover and smiled gently "of course I love it but I love you more you big bone head " he said as he kissed pap gently they melted into the kiss and held each other in a warm embrace as if it was going to last all eternity both of them scared to let go . Papyrus got up and carried red to the table handed him his plate and had a lovely peaceful night.

((I'm sorry it's so short I was trying to rush this . I'm sorry for not updating my stories I honestly feel useless at this point of time I'm having some family problems and school issues and I'm just not ok rn but I'm still trying for all of you! I hope you liked it if you made it this far I'm proud of you guys .. this one was kinda trash I honestly forgot how to write- . But its published and I feel accomplished today so you guys have a great night/morning! Love you all

                              Mama blue ~))

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