im alive!

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Hey guys so like I'm having a very serious case of writers block for both of my books .. and like I try to think of stuff but nothing is popping in my head , usually I vote throughout my day and I daydream (yes I know weird ) about different scenarios with different characters and different places and ideas and Im honestly getting mad at myself so like can you guys give me ideas for this book please I'd appreciate it alot. Leave in the comments what you'd like to see but I've promised people what I was going to write next so please make a scenario for Geno x Reaper or killer x horror and if you'd like leave a comment of your favorite ship and I'll pick some of them to write about and I'll pick one lucky one to have a book collabe with me ! If you all think that sounds fair if not I wont do it but leave me in the comments what you think!! Love you allllll so much ! Muah!mama blue out!

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