Chapter 23

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Elizabeth's pov

Me and Rachel spend talking and getting to each other. I find out that Rachel likes cute animals and other things. I soon learn her mother, Mina Hellsing and her were descendants of the arabs which kinda of shocking but that explain why her skin was dark. Her grandmother meet her grandfather, Abraham Van Hellsing and got married but her grandparents were kill by the Druids hand dueling they didn't like a foreigner being in Britannia and Sir Abraham was allied with her father. So Lord Vald took Mina in and somehow develop a close bond that turn to love. I was surprised by that and find out Lady Mina was a semi immortal. Rachel was very kind to me and really act like if she was like my mother. I smile of that before I heard a load 'bang' from outside of the room as getting Rachel guard up and look very protective while I was confused and worry. ''Meliodas, you can't be this naive to have her brother and allies here while we don't know if they are working for the bastards who give us this hell. That naive and carefree got your father and mother kill'' I heard a voice that was cold and dark which boom the room. 

I was very confused while Rachel whisper 'father' as getting me to look at her. Father? Her father was arguing with Meliodas and Zeldris outside? I never meet Lord Vlad before but correct from Rachel and Gelda that Lord Vlad is serious, hard and ruthless to his enemies and he have his own judge what wrong or right. He one of the Vampires who can bring true darkness of the night and scared his enemies to death. I got slight worry about Meliodas while Rachel look very intense like if her father and Meliodas were going to fight to death. ''Don't you even dare speak about them! I know the mistakes what my father did but don't you dare used them for this! I know they're Holy Knights but they are too, Elizabeth's family. There a possible that one of her family is a solo Sibyl like her and I have to protect her and my child from them. Vlad if you dare speak about them again then, I will make your life a living hell that you could never image!" Meliodas nearly shouted harsher and darker filled with ragen.

His voice boom the room which it was very powerful. I shocked that I never heard him like this. This darkness, this hard, this fury. I soon put my hand on my tummy while Rachel look at me and soon groan before Rachel walked towards door and open slammed the door open while she look super mad. "DON'T YOU DARE PULL THIS NONSENSE IN FRONT OF LADY ELIZABETH! IF I HEARD ONE MORE ARGUMENT THEN! I WILL BE THE ONE WHO MAKE YOUR LIFES IN LIVING HELL!! GOT THAT!!!!" She yelled before she slammed the door close and return to my side while I was shocked hearding her like that with Meliodas and her father. Meliodas the First Vampire Prince and  her father.... I don't think they will be load again. I hope they're alright.

I spend my time resting or laying down on bed while each time, Rachel would open the door and food would be giving to her as I eat it. I was feeling relax and in peace but the feeling haven't left. I was still thinking about Meliodas and Lord Vlad argument. They sound so very upset and somehow in ragen. I didn't know why but when I heard Meliodas being this upset when Lord Vlad mention his parents. I thought no one wouldn't dare to speak about the former Vampire King and Queen. But now I know what happens when they mention them. I couldn't believe Meliodas would act like that. And other about Ban and the others. They don't know about I was prengant and about I'm a Sibyl. This is going to be hard when Ban find out, he going to freak out like crazy.

Soon Meliodas enter as asking Rachel to leave us alone. Rachel sigh before she left the room and close the door. "Well, well, well how my pericous Elizabeth doing? I bet you miss this" Meliodas spoke as he pinned me to bed and kiss my neck which I burn up very badly and let out a moan. Meliodas soon smirk as he soon bite my neck softly and suck my blood. I moaned as he pulled my neck and lick his lips before pulled me into a passionate kiss. I moan in the kiss as I felt his tongue find mine and battle for domainate. I swore my face got more hotter and hotter as I moaning in the kiss. Meliodas soon pulled from the kiss and we were heavy breathing. "Did you like that? Elizabeth..." he said as his hand was going under my dress and curled my thigh as causing me moan and mewled. "Because you sound like you do" He said as I went to lava bits.

I soon felt the tingling of lust was begging to let him have me. To let him have control. To take me again. Meliodas soon 'purr' while he nuzzle his nose to my bangs and face which I moan and moan as Meliodas soon bite my ear softly.  I couldn't help it. I couldn't it at all. "M-Meliodas!" I called out his name as he 'hmm' while he grab my hand and hold it tightly. "I-I want you" I said as he soon sat up and take off his, cape, vest and shirt as leaving him topless before he pressured his lips to mine. I moan in the kiss as he did again. We make love and I enjoy it every last of it. I couldn't help but to think this child I have with him. I wonder if my child would be born in this cruel war of no ending? I don't know what would happening but all I know is that Meliodas would protect us

I know he will. I believe him with my life and heart.

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