Chapter 40

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Elizabeth's pov

"EEEEEEEH!!!" They shouted while Hawk and Wild pass out, Ban have a priceless look at his face along with sins as Zeldris and Gelda blink twice. I laugh nervously while Meliodas have me tightly and protective even so. Rachel was the first who break the silence. "You're telling me that you and Elizabeth meet ten years ago as you promise her to free her from her prison life which took ten years ago and kidnapped her? And you two are getting marry?... I'm going to kill you if you hurt her" Rachel snarl which Meliodas told her that will never happen as she sigh of disbelief. I soon felt bit arwkard by her behavior while Ban ask me about the night me and Meliodas met was the morning they found me sleeping at the gardens.

I nodded which Ban look some shock before he look shame while he rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, Princess that me, Marge and Vero didn't help you go outside of the castle. We try to talk to Gramps about it but he didn't let us, even if we try to sneak you out then, he would punish us. I should have told Mom and Dad about that" he apologize which I told him that wasn't his fault and saying maybe Grandfather was just trying to protect me since he knew about me and Mother. Ban smile while Diane hug me and saying she will definitely be bridemaid. I laugh as they soon were talking about about the wedding and coronation of us becoming new Vampire King and Queen of the Vampire Clan.

I couldn't help but to feel happy and embrace this beautiful.

I soon saw Layla look at them which I grasp as she look at me and disappear. I still don't know why she keeps disappear from me since I'm the only one who can see her. Why? Why she keeps disappear? Is she shy or nervous? Soon the door slammed open which Diane jump in King's arms. We soon saw Astrid who was panting which she close the door fast and lock it with chairs and desks. She look like she was freaking out which Meliodas soon ask her whats wrong. "Papa knows about Hester and Cameron! Oh crap! He trying to get me, so he can find them! Oh god, I'm screw, I'm so screw, we're screw" Astrid replied which we look at her in shock. Werewolf Alpha Klaus knows about Hester and her relationship with Cameron? How?

"Rachel, take Elizabeth to Selene's Crescent Moon Gardens for keep her from miscarriages by Klaus's overprotective dad drama and his roars. This is a order" Meliodas soon order her which shock me before hearing the violent knock at the door. Rachel nods which Merlin and Diane join us while Gelda explains that she staying dueling someone have to back up Astrid. I nods as a second, we were at Selene's Crescent Moon Gardens which amazed Merlin and Diane. "I heard the tales of this place before. I never thought it actaully exist it but it so beautiful and calamity" Merlin spoke in awe which Diane was in 'wow' as seeing the birds and nature. Rachel soon sigh while she sat down at meadows of daisies, lilies and buttercups. 

I join her while it was so free and warm. "Why you didn't told us about your lock in life? Elizabeth. Were you embarrasses to say a word about that?" Rachel soon ask which I told her that I didn't want anyone felt angry about my Grandfather or my siblings not trying to help me. Rachel sigh as look clam and relax of the meadows. "Well, I am mad at that but now, we know that you're a solo survivor Sibyl. That makes lot of senses why he didn't want you to get out of his sight. He was trying to protect you and he let you out dueling when your Mother died. But I'm happy too. I'm happy that you going to get marry and having children. I bet your Mother would love it" she spoke which I raise my eyebrows before I smile brightly.

Yeah, I think she would have love it. Rachel smile while glance Diane playing with the flowers like a child and Merlin taking notes about the garden. My smile couldn't help but to grew more. "Yeah, me too... I think she would too, love it from the bottom of her heart" I heard Astrid's or Hester's voice which I turn around and seeing Layla smiling. I was shock while she whisper 'sorry' from her behavior before disappear to the air. I was still shock before smiling and seeing the sky. I want to help Layla to resurrect and being with her daughters and husband again. There have to be a way to resurrect her but how? Soon the sky turn black as the moon rose in a lovely moonlight and shining stars everywhere. What is this?

Rachel help me to stand up as Merlin ask her if she was or her father doing this. "No, when we bring the Eternal Night which the moon full red velvet and bats flying to the air. This is not my doing but... could be...?" She spoke which I was about to ask her before a woman appear in front of us which shock Rachel. She was a young woman who was beautiful as the bright moonlight. She have a long black hair that fades into bright blue which was tie up into partly braided tail and curled bangs framing to her sides along with blue eyes. She wore a Amazon's sliver and brown armor which was a breastplate, slits skirt, coattail, bracers and long boots as a sliver tiara like headband. I could sense her aura was divine and god like which she smile.

"My, my, I haven't see a Sibyl for three thousands years ago. And how carrying the First Vampire Prince children" she spoke which Diane soon demean who is she before Rachel snarl her and tell her to apologize which confused us. Why she acting like that? The woman giggling by her behavior and saying she haven't introduce herself yet. Who is she? "My apologies for my suddenly appearance, I am Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and the one who creat these gardens. I guess I should introduce my myself earlier" she said which shock us.

That the Goddess of the Moon? Ban will definitely freak out.

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