Dionysus Part 1

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I was the worlds biggest klutz when drunk.

I could not, would not shut up at Dani's party and to make matters worse I kept falling. It was awkward, thankfully he showed up.

It was around seven in the morning when my brother knocked on my door. The light shining on my face made me want to ditch school for my bed.

"Let's go, Heon! You'll be late for school and I'm in a good mood." I jolted awake and changed quickly, not caring that I wore sweatpants and a mustache shirt. I looked at the clock and ran outside, it was already seven thirty and classes started in an hour and a half.

"Good, sleeping beauty finally woke up." Logan chuckled, looking better than I ever could with his blue shirt and dark jeans. But it was expected of the soccer captain.

"Yep, at the mention of the free ride, I woke right away." He smirked and I walked downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen and the smell of eggs filled my nose. I grabbed a piece of bacon from a plate filled with it and filled my water bottle with milk.

"You're not gonna eat breakfast with us?"

"No, I don't want to be late."

"What us, Mom? I'm taking her to school." My brother crossed his arms as he drank a glass of milk. I turned to my mom and took a swing of my milk. I grabbed my sweater and my backpack and walked out the door.

"Take care!" I heard my mom from the door and I got in my brothers Jeep. The familiar black door made me nostalgic.

"How long has it been since you've taken me to school?"

"Since Dad left..." I could feel his discomfort at the subject. I pulled my hair from my face and hummed.

"Nothing screams bonding time than driving your sister to school." I heard him snort as the car roared to life.

"Your telling me." I turned my phone on and pressed the keyboards. I pressed send and I saw three dots appear on my screen

From: Me
To: Dani
'I'm heading to school. Meet you there?'

From: Dani
To: Me
'Hellz yeah.'

I shook my head and a familiar school came into view. My brother parked as close at the school as possible and I got out of the car.

"See you in four hours." He flashed me a full-toothed grin, and I returned it.

"Yep. Can you pick me up too?"

"Maybe. If Vito lets me off early. I'll text you. Bye." I watched his car leave the school and I walked to my classroom.

I scanned the room, spotting my best friend and walked towards her.

"Hey, how are you?" I shrugged

"It's a good day to not pay attention and do something else other than classwork." I saw her roll her eyes and pouted.

"Why the eye roll? I'm serious. I'm passing this class, I can slack off one day."

"Um, you're barely passing."

"It still counts." I turned to the front of the class and started writing in my journal.

"Your coming later, right?" I nodded and shot her a smile. She shot me one my way and I put my hand on my forehead, pretending to swoon.

"Your killing me, Smalls." She winked and my smile widen. I finished writing and turned to Dani.

"What are you wearing?"

"Probably a red dress up to my knee."

"Wanna surprise a certain brown haired bae?"

"Maybe. I doubt Jimin will be there though. I think he has lacrosse practice."

"If he's not there then he's missing out." Out of the corner of my eyes I saw her nod. The teacher, Mrs. Kane started talking and that was my cue to wait for the class to end by pretending to do work.


Everything was going fine. My English class finished, along with my other three classes. My brother picked me up and drove me home. I did all my homework and chores. My mom let me go to Dani's party and I had a cute black dress on.

"Thanks, brother. Gotta go." I was about to get out of the car, when he stopped me.

"Be home by ten. Be careful with the guys and if you drink, I will personally murder you." I smiled and nodded.

"If I drink, I'll drink Mom's hangover cure. I don't wanna die alone. I'll be fine. Of anything happens I'll call you." I got out of the car and looked at Dani's house, which was crowded with college students.

I saw him drive away, leaving me to face all the sweaty bodies inside. As soon as I walked in, I spotted Chanyeol making out with his current girlfriend. Or as I like to call it - a hoe who just want his King Charles. And yes, I called his thing King Charles.

"Enjoying this?" I snapped out of my thoughts by Chanyeol and I rolled my eyes.

"Enjoying what? Your annoying ass? Nope. Bye." I walked away, trying to spot Dani in the sea of students. Sweaty bodies pressed against each other and it made me wonder. How did I not notice this when I went to parties last year?

"HEON!" I turned to someone slam into me.

"Hey, watch it dumb- Dani!" My eyes widen at the state she was in. Her eyeliner was runny and she looked like Bridezilla. Her black dress was messed up and her hair was messy. Next to her, Park Jimin smiled.

"Hi, Heon. Glad you made it. I was telling Jamin how amazing you are." She was drunk. Point A: she mispronounced Jimin's name. Point B: She slurred her words and her breath smelled. The wave of alcohol hit me and I internally gagged.

"Yep. I'm here. Happy Birthday. You're one year closer to death." I gave her my gift and she opened it.

"Sarcasm much?"

"Sorry, Heon. She's super drunk. We were um...alone a few minutes ago. She can bite as much as her bark." I arched an eyebrow.

"Cause she's shit faced, right?" I could literally see him gulp and the sweat on his forehead.

"Yeah. Anyway, I gotta give her some water. Bye." He walked off with Dani behind him. I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes.

I sat down and grabbed a cup, pouring myself some whiskey. I winced as the strong flavor of it consumed me. I took my phone out and began playing a game. Shoot. Shoot. Stop. Shoot. Shoot. I took a swing of my glass and continued playing.

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