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"Yoongi?" The boy with blonde hair and a cigarette on his lips looked up from his seat. His friends were around him, some sitting on a bench or rock.

"What is it?" He said, cigarette smoke puffing out whenever he spoke. My hands covered SiJoon's nose.

"Well, have you started your journal yet? Mr. Thatcher said we needed to start it and finish it by Monday."

"Don't even mention that bastard. All I've got was a bratty kid and an even brattier partner." I felt my anger rising.

Bratty? Who the hell was he calling bratty. I leaned in closer to him, forgetting that it was difficult with a baby in my arms.

"Listen here you piece of work. It's fine, don't do the fucking work. But if you call me bratty one more time, you'll know what bratty looks like." I narrowed my eyes at him, spitting every word venemously.

"Fine, whatever." I frowned at him before walking away to Mrs. Ree's classroom. Was I over reacting? Maybe. Was I pissed as hell? Absolutey. I sat on my seat, as Dani sat next to me, Minha in her lap.

"How's little Minha doing? How are you doing baby?" I talked to my friend's 'daughter' as all babies should be talked to. With care and excitement. Minha just looked at me and giggled.

"You'll meet with your partners again class. You may meet at whatever location you'd like." Mrs. Ree stopped talking and I stood up

"I'll be back. I need to find Baek. Later, Dani" With a quick 'Bye' from her, I walked out the door in search for my partner. I found him, in the same spot he was the last time. With Yoongi and the other delinquents.

"Red, miss me already?"

"Not even close. Ready to work on our English project, Baek?" The black haired male glared at me, and just crossed his arms.

"Not at all." I let out a low growl, and handed SiJoon to him. I grabbed the baby and looked at him as if he didn't know what to do with him.

"Here." He turned to Yoongi and handed SiJoon to him. Yoongi just stared at little SiJoon, and then at me.

"Arrghhhh! Here's your brat." He shoved the baby towards me and it took all my willpower to not plummet him.

"Baek, we need to go to the library, now!" I huffed in annoyance and gave him a death glare. I rolled his eyes but stood up.

"You don't own me." I gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes at him. Why the hell does he have to be an asswipe every time?

"You wanna go on the stupid date or what?"

"Wait what?"

"Cause if you don't wanna go on that stupid date, it's fine by me."

"So that means you wanna go on that stupud date with me after all." A smug expression settled on his face.

"Well, let's go. NOW." I turned around and walked in the direction of the library. I heard footsteps, which meant my plan worked like a charm.

After a few hours of doing our project and eating together, we had gone our seperate ways. I didn't know where he was going but I didn't care. I just wanted to take care of my dish-washing duty, do my homework and sleep for all eternity.

"Ma, can you take care of Joon while I wash dishes?" I heard a distant sound which meant my mom was doing something already.

"Oh, mom's making dinner. I can hold him for a while." Logan peeked his head from the living room.

"You sure?" I have nodded and held his arms out. I gave him my baby boy and watched him leave to who knows where. I walked to the kitchen and noticed lots of dirty plates.

I picked one up and started scrubbing. This was gonna be a long day.

 I wiped my forehead amd let out a sigh. Washing dishes wasn't fun, it was really boring, but sadly it was my punishment. I walked to the hallway then I heard voices. Was that my brother?

"Who's a good boy? You are, SiJoon." They were coming from his room. I knocked on his door and after a few seconds I opened it. SiJoon was in his arms, my baby was holding a yellow blanket with a lion on it. 

"Is that my blanket?"

"Yeah. Found it in my stuff. Hope you don't mind I gave it to SiJoon." I shook my head and held my arms out to him. He put SiJoon in my arms and I carried him.

"I want to apologize. For the coming home drunk thing. I know it was stupid of me especially when I brought Yoongi home, but I don't know what to do. I'm sorry."

"I know. I just- losing dad is hard. When he left, I swore I would protect my little sister. And then I see you with him, he's not right for you. I've heard what people at your school say about him. He's not trustworthy. "

"I know. I don't have anything with him. And you protect me enough, you do a good job. I'm grown now, I know what decisions to make. Even if it's stupid like Dani's party. Anyway, I ' ll be fine. I also had a hard time when dad left. Let me make it up to you, to show you I'm grown up. " He glanced at me for a moment and then nodded 

"From this day on, in you have any problems come to me. That also means I get to take care of SiJon when you're out, got it?" I put my hand above my eyebrow in a slaute.

"Yes, sir. So, do you mind taking care of him while I shower?" He shook his head and I handed my baby to him.

"SiJoon, if my brother's acting up, hit him for me." I tease as I wall out of his room and into mine.

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