Wake Up

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"LEE HEON! As of right now you are grounded!!!" My eyes fluttered open at the sudden noise, and I looked at the source of it. My mom had both hands on her hips, and she did not look happy.

"Mom!" I stood up but regretted it. I felt the whole room spinning and I had the urge the throw up. I stood up but fell splat on the floor, tumbling over a pair of legs. Wait...legs? I followed the trail to its owner and cursed, it was Yoongi.

"Shit!" I turned to my mom and got up from the floor.

"I can totally explain." I ran to the trash can next to my desk and spilled my guts. I wiped my mouth with some tissue paper on my desk, throwing it in the trash can.

"Yoongi brought me home from Dani's party. I got super drunk and he was kind enough to help me."

"Wait, you were drunk!? What did I tell you about drinking?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to let off some steam. With finals coming up I wanted to at least celebrate one more time before being launched headfirst into a weeklong of exams and studying."

"So you do that by sleeping with a guy?" I winced at her words. Well, she wasn't wrong.

"As I said I was crazy drunk and I asked him to stay the night. It was around one when we went to sleep. We only slept...with clothes on. We didn't do anything else, I swear."

"Well, congratulations, you're grounded. For bringing a guy home, drinking crazily and coming home at one A.M. You're on dish-washing duty for a month and you're not allowed to see him again." I groaned, not believing her words.

"But, ma! I see him at school so I technically need so see him."

"Don't get smart with me. You're grounded and that's final." I groaned again and then y brother decided to peek his head in.

"What-holy shit! Who is this, Heon?" He looked at me as if I had two heads. I put a hand on my temple and closed my eyes. I gathered my bearings and opened them.

"The friend I was talking to you about. I'm grounded, so don't add salt to the wound."

"I gotta get breakfast ready, when I come up here I better not see this boy here. Understood?" My mother barked, glaring at me.

"Yeah, ma." She grunted and walked away, mumbling something about me. I let out a groan and laid down on my bed. I heard Yoongi grunt as I laid down on his legs. Well, at least she didn't take my phone and just put me on dish-washing duty for a month.

"So this is Yoongi?" I nodded, and closed my eyes, hoping he would shut up and leave. Sadly, he continued talking.

"He seems...nice. He's asleep next to you, so he seems harmless. I hope he doesn't let you down, just like you let me down." I groaned as memories of earlier flooded my brain.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you and mom to freak out. Seems like I fucked that up though." I heard him up.

"You did, big time." I turned to see him walking out of my room and I groaned again.

"Yoongi, wake up." The boy grunted and got comfortable, but didn't wake up.

"Wake the fuck up!" I poked his leg and his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, glancing at me.

"Good morning, Heon." He looked around the room and cursed.

"Shit! I better go, I don't want your dad to chew me out." He stood up from my bed, panic in his eyes.

"My mom already did. Both my mom and my brother freaked out when they saw you. Which means that I'm grounded."

"I'm sorry, Heon. For how long?"

"A month. Anyway..." I sat up and grabbed clean clothes from my drawer.

"Thank you for driving me home. I don't remember much but I think it had something to do with Chanyeol." He nodded

"Don't you mean, Channy?" I arched an eyebrow. Why would he- Oh, shit. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks.


"Yeah, you made out with him, so I saved you from getting pregnant. You're welcome."

"Uh...shit. Thank you. I ruined the night for you, didn't I?" He shrugged and began putting his hoes on.

"Nah, it was pretty boring anyway. Half the people were wasted and the other half were making out. That was the most interesting thing that happened in a while."

"I'm glad my misery amuses you."

"I should head home. See you around." I nodded and he climbed the window. I watched him get in his car and drive off. I changed quickly and laid down on my bed again. I felt tears staining the pillow and I let out a sob.

This was exactly what I wanted to prevent. But, no matter what happens it's always the same. The circle never breaks, and I was tired of it. I guess that's why they say old habits die hard. I caught a whiff of something musky, like woods musky. Was this Yoongi's smell? I took another whiff and my tears stopped. I wiped them and walked downstairs, walking into the lion's den.



"What's up, Dani?"

"Why did you disappear from my party?"

"Uh, well...you were wasted and apparently I made out with Chanyeol." Her eyes widen.

"You did what?" I nodded, my books clenched tightly on my chest as both of us walked to our English class.

"Yeah, Yoongi saved me and he brought me home."

"WHAT?! Min Yoongi gave you a ride home!" I felt self-conscious at the prying eyes from the whole class.

"Yeah. I would appreciate if you wouldn't tell the whole damn school." She gave me an apologetic stare and both of us sat down in our seats.

"Sorry. You just caught me off guard."

"It's fine. But, yeah, Min Yoongi. I was super drunk and I asked him to stay the night."

"WHAT?" The teacher glanced at us.

"Is there something you wanna share?"

"No, ma'am. Sorry." She turned to me

"You gotta stop doing that. Anyway, he stayed the night and my mom caught us."


"You're disrupting the class. Lee Heon and Park Dani, go to detention now!"I glanced at the teacher, and gathered my things. I walked outside with Dani behind me.

"Congrats, Dani. You landed us in detention and my mother's gonna kill me again."

"I'll make it up to you" We continued walking to the end of the hall, where the detention room is at.

"You better." I opened the door and noticed some people here. On one corner of the room I saw Yoongi, head buried in his arms. As expected of the schools delinquent. Not giving a shit and sleeping in detention.

"What have we got here. Fresh meat, beautiful too." Some guy with a lip piercing and dark hair glared at me. Oh boy.

"When and if we get out of here, I will kill you, Park Dani." I mumbled and heard a nervous chuckle from her.

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